New Member to the Board... for reall this time!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Stampy, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Stampy

    Stampy Well-Known Member

    Gentlemen, I have a confession to make. I have been decieving you. Over the past couple months I've been a member of this board, asking dumb questions and making witty comments now and then. However, I did not actually own a V8 Buick... until today! After months of pleading and complaining, I finally got my parents to cave and go pick it up. '66 Skylark Hardtop with the 340, 84000 original miles. Its got some moderate rust issues, but I'm looking forward to bring it back to its former glory, with a lot of help from the geniuses here on the board! :Brow: Driving home, I came upon my first major Buick-related problem: the bloody defrost fan doesn't work! Looked like a scene out of Ace Ventura, my dad had his head so far out the window. Any thoughts on what I should try first? I was thinking maybe fuse?


    PS: On the way there, I saw my first GSX in person. I took that as a good omen. Yellow, either a '70 or maybe '71, Sandy UT, Fort Union area, anyone know who's it is?
  2. Eric Schmelzer

    Eric Schmelzer Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the acquisition. Hope you have fun fixing it up.

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