"New" Jimi Hendrix

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by StageTwo, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Anyone here pickup the new releases from Hendrix?

    Valleys of Neptune
    First Rays of the New Rising Sun

    There are a few tracks on them that I've heard before, but most of it is previously unreleased studio work. A lot of good stuff. I highly recommend checking them out.

    Man, I sure wish he had been around a little longer. Just think of sounds he could have made over the years . . .
  2. william.ali.kay

    william.ali.kay Needs more cowbell!

  3. Ken Adams

    Ken Adams Well-Known Member

    If only Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison were still with us today
  4. stevierayvaughn

    stevierayvaughn Active Member

    The Hendrix estate has alot of cool plans for upcoming releases Jimi recorded alot of great stuff but he was so picky that most of it never was released but I know the estate has alot of shows right direct from the mixing board and can,t wait for those to be released

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