Neighbor's dog will not quit barking. Anyone try one of these sound machines?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Brian Albrecht, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. MikeN

    MikeN Well-Known Member

    Don't blame the dog, it's the owner.

    What many of you don't realize is that when a dog is left outside to bark, the owner KNOWS it's annoying. That's the whole point, It's their way of getting back at the world. It's their way of saying "screw you". They want to provoke someone into a confrontation. In other words, they're lousy human beings. Anyone that would intentionally do this to a dog (dogs bark when they feel threatened, so they're scared when they bark), the owners deserve to be punished. If they can't even control a dog, or care so little about their neighbors, imagine how lousy of parents they are.

    We had this same problem. Here's what to do.

    1. Call Animal Control (if you have one). They will talk to the people.

    2. If the problem continues, call the police. The dog(s) have to be barking when the police arrive, so it's risky. If the dogs are constantly barking, shouldn't be an issue.

    3. If the police leave and the next day the dog(s) continue to bark for hours, call the police again, and tell them the people obviously don't have any respect for the law (that really pisses off police officers).

    4. If it still continues, call the police again. Around here, it's a $75 fine for disturbing the peace.

    5. If the neighbor still doesn't get it, call the police again.

    Nothing stops a-holes from being a-holes, unless you hit them in their pocketbook. Then they get the picture.

  2. TroyGS

    TroyGS Well-Known Member

    I have a bark breaker. I purchased it at Walmart, its outdoor rated and it looks like a birdhouse. It has 4 settings and it detects when the dog barks and lets out a nasty noise that only the dogs can hear. It worked wonders on my small dogs, and it didn't take them long to realize that when they bark = bad consequences.
  3. gui_tarzan

    gui_tarzan Certifiable

    Real nice. Attack the animal instead of dealing with the owner. People who maim animals, and you could easily put an eye out by shooting it in the face, deserve jail time as far as I'm concerned. If it were attacking you I would agree but for barking? No. I've been bitten by a Husky so don't think I don't understand how dogs can be if they're not properly tended to. I have two large scars (took twenty-some stitches) from the bite on my leg and it took me a long time to get to where I'm not afraid of dogs. But that doesn't mean I would ever condone maiming an animal.

    I like the ideas of making a LOT of noise toward the offending neighbor to get their attention.
  4. william.ali.kay

    william.ali.kay Needs more cowbell!

    I really like the air horn idea. But I would point it at the neighbors windows, not the dog. Hopefully they will figure out why your doing it.
    I dont see why somebody would suggest you attempt to harm the animal.
    That just sounds stupid to me. I mean hows that dog going to react when it gets loose after getting neglected by its owners, then being shot at or with whatever? Not to mention what I would want to do if i saw somebody attemping to harm my dog.
    Brian, I have never used such a device that you asked about, but I salute your efforts in trying to deal with this issue as adult like and humanely as possible.
  5. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    I bought one of those sound machines but haven't taken it out of the box. Why, you may ask? Well, there's been an interesting developement. As the weather got nicer, the neighbors 2 year old daughter started playing in the backyard. I use the term "playing" loosely, because she pretty much goes outside and starts this undescribable crying-screaming noise in a nearly non-stop fashion. The dog must have decided she makes more than enough noise, and has become, for the most part anyway, silent. At least I can go inside and escape it. The poor doggy can't. Also, I went to Best Buy and said, "I want your best outdoor speakers." They are Yamaha's finest and I haven't spared the 'ole volume on the stereo either.
  6. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Yep. Good point. :gp:
  7. swing72

    swing72 just me

    Lemon juice or vinegar in a squirt bottle works for a noisy dog.

    This dog sounds like its not tended to though, so punishing it more seems cruel.
  8. Peter Martin

    Peter Martin Well-Known Member

    We have issues similar to many others where the next door neighbors have a pool, party and talk loud all hours of the night with an incessantly barking aggressive dog (boxer). This has gone on for several years and the wife has told us if we cannot live in the city perhaps we should move out into the country....:blast: This dog has been pounding at the wooden fence, breaking and chewing it in many areas where it is basically ready to almost get through. Yesterday as I was out on the back deck reading the paper this dog made its way half way through the fence where I jumped up to go and get the shovel for protection. Their children were trying to pull the dog back from the other side as one of them ran in for the father. When the father came out, I asked through the fence "what are you going to do about your dog"? He naively said "I don't know what you are talking about". Therefore, I told him and said, "what is going to happen when my wife is out here with our 14 month old grandson and that dog comes through....what are you going to do then?" Tonight this dog almost made it's way through the back part of the fence that abuts condos in back of all our yards and almost attacked the leg of an elderly man while 2 younger gals were trying to push it back into the hole with boards. Several of the neighbors called the police. Cops said there is not much they can do since no one was hurt. Owners were not home and had 2 young gals in their 20's housesitting with dog barking all day. They told cops neighbors are taunting this dog which is not true. Officer going to see if neighbors are back later this evening since they are out on their boat........Where is justice in this case? We all can see what is coming and it won't be in our favor...they have told us before in the past to go ahead and complain since the police will not do a damn thing about it......:spank: :blast:
  9. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Peter, that is the same thing I ran into when I was a paperboy years ago. Some folks are not able to realistically see what their pet is doing. An aggresive animal poses a threat, yet they are unable to perceive that. You have a very unnerving situation with an animal at the fence. I sure wouldn't hesitate to use force, especially while the animal is halfway through the fence and you have the best chance of eliminating the threat. It's just a shame you've actually got to consider moving because of this joker and his dog. I'm surprised it hasn't hurt one of his own children yet. That may well become its undoing.
  10. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Get a good amplifier, a great set of speakers, aim them at the barking dog's house, and play ALSO SPRECHT ZARISTHUSTRA (you may remember it from the movie 2001) very loud - repeatedly. The dog's owners will get the hint. The rocket launch sequence from APOLLO 13 works well too:laugh:
  11. Peter Martin

    Peter Martin Well-Known Member

    I really like the ---> Let the snow blower run rich idea for the late night parties and the ex-lax tablets for that dog. I can't do the stereo thing out there because that will affect everyone else around. That dog, a Boxer almost got that elderly man in the back of our yards yesterday afternoon, He was screaming, scared and just couldn't get away fast enough 'cause he just had knee surgery. They put in the police report that all the neighbors prevoked that dog.:rolleyes:
  12. 69GSCAL

    69GSCAL Well-Known Member

    Wow, strong animal abuse in this thread!

    "Beat it with a Shovel", "Shoot it".
    If this is simply a dog making noise, those are not acceptable ways of dealing with it. You want to make an excitable dog aggresive, abuse it.

    The dog is barking out of neglect. Dogs are social animals, they don't fare well being left outside by themselves for days on end. While it's the dog making your life misserable, it's the owners that need to have their behavior corrected.

    And from the sounds of it, they use the same approach to raise their child as they do their dog. Stick it in the backyard unattended and let it scream its' head off.

    The dog callars that emit a little shock worked for my Sister. She's got a little yapper dog that never shuts up. Now he's conditioned to not bark so long as he's wearing the collar. Take the collar off and he's back at it.

    Yes, dogs attack and kill far more people than sharks. However, very few people keep a shark in their swimming pool and go swimming with it on a regular basis.

    I may have a very askewed view of dogs and their owners. I was raised with pitbulls and they were the sweetest, most dedicated dogs I've ever owned. Infact, one saved my little Sister's life when she got outside and fell into the pool as a toddler. Heard a splash from upstairs and ran down to see our dog Duke dragging her out of the pool. And this dog hated the pool!

    I've had a neighbor complain about my dog barking. I couldn't figure it out because he never barked unless someone was at the door or fence to the house. Sitting out on the porch one day and see her let her two little Taco Bell dogs out. They immediately run to the fence and start raising a fuss. He runs over and starts barking back. She comes out and starts yelling at my dog and starts waving a broom handle over the fence at him (didn't see me).
    Well, that's the day I almost beat the piss out of a 55 year old woman. Claimed it didn't matter that her dogs were barking because their barks aren't as lound as mine. :spank:

    My point of this way too long reply is, the dog is barking for a reason. There are devises to punish the dog to try and stop it from barking, but the root of the problem still exsists. I'd seriously consider filing a complaint on an owner that neglects their dog for long periods.

    For the dog that is trying to come into the backyard. You have every right to protect your property and family. If it's tearing up the fence, file a complaint. Digging a hole under, file a complaint. Enough fines for the owner and possibly having to replace a broken fence will get their attention. Boxers are extremely excitable from my contact with them. Not necessarily as aggresive as soe other breeds, but very high strung. I'd still be weary of any dog that was trying to get into my yard, especially if I had children back there.
  13. swing72

    swing72 just me

    Buy a couple of spray cans of pepper spray for all your neighbors to carry around when they are in their yards. When the boxer is trying to get through the fence, spray him in the face, see if he gets the hint.
  14. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    I believe most areas of the country have laws about vicious animals. I have been chased while helping on my wife's paper route about 13 years ago. Luckily a neighbor was able to call the dog off.

    If any dog attacks me or a member of my family. I have a right by law to protect myself and my family. I will take care of the problem by any means necessary by hand if needed.
    I love animals and have pets myself, but violent animals are not tolerated.

  15. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

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