Need some info on an "A" body disk brake setup

Discussion in 'The Hides' started by OLDS442GM, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. OLDS442GM

    OLDS442GM Going Fast With Class!

    I am changing my front wheel drums to disk is the important question...being that this car started out as manual 4 wheel drums then converted to power drums (correctly I might add), If I use the disk brake proportion valve with it (disk brake master cylinder), would I have to change the distribuition block on the frame, or omit it? :Do No: ....any suggestions or idea are helpful :TU:
  2. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    I had to dump the valve on the frame.
  3. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    prop valve

    u must have a proportioning valve for disk brakes . since more force is required to engage the disk brakes , without the valve the rears lock up all the time . i believe , but stand to be corrected , that the proportioning disk front & drum rear is unique for that application .
  4. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    When I Converted from Man. Drum to Power Disc on my 72 I kept the original Dist. block on the frame (couldn't find a prop valve), and have had zero probs with it.... Actually I have never locked up the rear tires and the GS will stop better than my mom's '00 Alero & wifes '92 Transport.

    It does feel like the rears engage harder than with a normal Prop valve, but not so hard as to cause them to lock up (I have never been in an "Emergancy" braking situation.... thank God), but have stepped on it quite a few times "testing" it:Brow: . Even from 120mph there was no rear lockup (yes the rear pads are adjusted correctly:pp ) I don't think I will switch it out.

    Just my Exp with it.

    Good luck.:TU:
  5. OLDS442GM

    OLDS442GM Going Fast With Class!

    I know I will need the one by the mastercyliner, but will I need to omit that distribuition block:confused: ....I can get a wilwood adjustable one, or an aftermarket one from mpbrakes....thanks for the info so far...I'm still a little confused :confused: :laugh:
  6. lcac_man

    lcac_man Hovercraft Technician

    Larry, keep your existing distribution block on the frame, its the same as the earlier power drum or front disc cars with the "hold off" (proportioning valve) up next to the master cylinder. And like you mentioned you can go with an aftermarket adjustable proportioning valve. You will need to switch to a front disc/rear drum master cylinder, but they're pretty cheap now days.

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