Need Quick Riviera Driveshaft Help

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Yardley, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Can someone with a 68, 69 or 70 Riv do me a quick favor?

    I need to know how far from the open end of the tube the rubber ring is in the rear section of the driveshaft.

    If someone could just stick something in there until it hits the rubber, then measure the distance, I would appreciate it.

    I'm thinking 1" to 2", but I can't be sure.

  2. buickjunkie

    buickjunkie Well-Known Member

    Hi Yardley,
    THis one looks to be about 1/2" in.
    The drive shaft is for sale if you want it.
    Thanks Bruce

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