Need pic of coat hook - 69 Riv.

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Yardley, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass


    Well, I never marked exactly where my shoulder belts and coat hooks mount in my Riv when I did the headliner.

    I DID get the shoulder belts installed OK, but the exact location of the coat hooks leaves my puzzled. And instead of poking 50 holes in my headliner to find the right spot, I thought a pic of one could get me really close.

    Can anyone get me a close up of the coat hook? If you can get the mounting point of the shoulder strap or the3 edge of the sail panel in there as a reference point it would help.

  2. 70gsrick

    70gsrick 1 of 66

    not the best but here goes

    Attached Files:

  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass


    Right on Rick! Thanks! Looks like it is parallel to the shoulder anchor and just above the front corner of the sail panel?
  4. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Hey I've got that rear bow you were looking for. You're just looking for the 3/16" pre-bent rod and the end clips, right? If that's iwhat you want, I pulled it out and have it in hand.

    -- Steve
  5. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Thanks Steve! But my buddy just emailed me earlier today that the bow he needs runs across the top of the rear window. He mentioned a "fibrous substance" in his email, but it was hard to follow. So I'm waiting for clarification.

    Our cars DO have a "nailer strip" that is attached to the edge of the windshield and rear window. So if that is what he needs I'm not really sure how to go about getting it off the vehicle. I'd almost think ripping some pine down into a little strip and gluing it up there would suffice.

    I'll let you know when I hear back from my friend.

    And thanks again for all the Riv stuff! I was hoping to have the seats in and the car on the road by tomorrow, but haven't heard back from Duane yet about my seats. I'm dying!
  6. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Well, the rod is covered with tape or fiberglass or something to help the headliner adhere. i got no idea what else he could possibly be refering to.

    -- Steve
  7. mcm6368

    mcm6368 Member

    Riviera rear roof bow

    Hi Steve, I'm Jeff's buddy that's looking for a roof bow. My name is Clair McLean. Sorry about all the confusion I'm causing you guys. I should have sent a picture from the start. I sent Jeff a couple of pictures yesterday but I haven't heard from him yet. Sent to his office address. My older son helped me scan the pictures for him. I'm hoping he'll be coming home shortly to help me so I could send them to you also. I'm going to take a stab at explaining to you what I'm after. My 68 Riv has the vinyl roof option. We all know how they trapped water, and created rust underneath the vinyl. So the previous owner of my car just poured the silicone and plumber's putty to the stainless trim area where it meets the glass. Consequently the rust moved upward rusting out the roof skin for about four inches moving forward. My plan is to cut out the damaged outer roof skin and replace and reweld in good metal from the upper edge of the top rear window frame moving forward. This is where I need the replacement part for. I'm after the structural roof bow that forms the top edge of the rear structure that the window glass sets into. This piece is welded to both left and right body sides of the car for structural integrity of the roof. I'm not after anything to do with the headliner itself. Sorry again for all the confusion. Hope this helps.
  8. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I'll post the pics tomorrow Clair.

    Yup. Total miscommunication on my part. I heard the word "bow" and because I was in the midst of redoing my headliner I just assumed you meant headliner bow.

    Sounds like you need the actual complete top and bottom of the roof, running the whole width of the window and moving about 5" or 6" up the roof toward the front of the car.

    Steve, do you have a plasma cutter to cut this part of the Riv for Clair? Know anyone who does? That may be more metal that you actually need Clair, but it'll probably be easier to just lop of a section of the roof. Shipping would probably be about $40.

    Clair, might I suggest you also post in the Bench for anyone parting out a 67 - 70 Riv who will cut up the roof before they scrap it? I just got the new Riview mag and I'll see if anyone there is scrapping a Riv. I'll also post on the Riv email group as well.
  9. mcm6368

    mcm6368 Member

    Riviera rear roof bow

    Hi Jeff, Now we're on the same page. Now I know why they say "a picture is worth a thousand words." LOL! I'll wait to see if Steve can help, and go from there. Thanks again Jeff, and Steve. Bye for now. Clair McLean.
  10. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    I can either have my drunken body man torch cut it well away from the area that you are going to keep, or I could possibly have a friend plasma cut it. The plasma cut option would be a pain in the heiny. (the drunken body man is a pain because of heiny.) :laugh:

    With the headline removed, the top frame just above the window looked good from the inside. I can pull off the vinyl roof and the stainless trim and check the outside.

    Mark up whatever picture Jeff is posting, or have him mark it up, so I'll know where to cut. Or PM me your phone number and we can talk.

    $50.00 plus shipping. That way I can pay my body guy $25 to torch it and buy myself a big bucket of KFC with the rest.

    let me know if there is anything else you nedd off this poor old POS.

    -- Steve
  11. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Network crashed at work - 2 days now. Will try to post pic when I get home. But yeah Steve, just torch the roof about a foot up from the rear window edge. I'd suggest cutting a little of the B pillar as well so he has as much metal as possible.

    $50 is a damn nice gesture, bud!
  12. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    I only made that offer because I'm feeling guilty about hijacking your thread :laugh:

    -- Steve
  13. mcm6368

    mcm6368 Member

    Riviera rear roof bow

    Hi Steve, To second Jeff's comment, that is a really great gesture. Sounds great to me. I'd like to thank you Steve, and Jeff. This is what makes our hobby great, the super people we meet as we go along. Of course our bigblock Buicks are also great! Steve, I'm just drooling looking at your list of Buicks, especially that 87 GN. One of my other favorites.
    Steve I also use a shipping depot in Detroit for items I buy that only ship to USA. I think that will be the best to ship it there I think. Let me know your address and total cost figure and I'll get a bank money order on the way to you. My zip code for my depot in Detroit is 48209. And Steve take it easy on that KFC stuff, it'll plug up your pumper, and we need good guys like you around. LOL. I just tried to upload a picture of the roof for you but its not working. If Jeff doesn't get a photo to you we could probably do it through regular email. Let me know if you need it. Bye for now, Clair.
  14. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Post a picture if you can. jeff has my e-mail if you need to resort to that. If you can get me something today I'll go check the car Friday around noon.

    -- Steve
  15. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    It looks like he needs, basically, the part of the roof you see here that is all in brown just above the rear window.

    Attached Files:

  16. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I think what Clair's most interested in is the actual window channel that we all know rotted out about a week after the cars rolled out of Dearborn. What an absolute horrid design. About as bad as the 1st generation Mustang cowl.
  17. mcm6368

    mcm6368 Member

    Riviera rear roof bow

    Hi Jeff & Steve, Thanks Jeff for getting those pictures to Steve, I'm still a little green on using the scanner etc. Consequently I tied to the availability of my son being around home to help me. Being a twenty year old teenager you know how much he likes to stay home. Jeff I was sorry to hear of your withdrawl from the ROA list, you will be missed. Thank you again for all the help you've been to us all in pursuit of the finest Riv we can build. Jeff you described exactly the area I'm looking to replace.
    Steve, I don't know if its too late at this point to mention when you asked if there was anything else I needed off that poor old POS, had to ask my son what POS meant. LOL. My son said Dad you gotta get with the lingo. I'm almost fifty so I guess I'm slightly behind on the language. Anyway my A-pillars are also rusted pretty bad. Would there be any point in trying to cut them off the parts car and reweld on mine? I'm not a welder by trade, so don't know if that would be feasible. Any imput would be appreciated. Thanks again guys, bye for now, Clair.
  18. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Thanks Clair. I had to pull off the ROA email group because I will no longer have a "work" email. I won't be able to read the hundred or more emails I'd get on the ROA list every couple of days because I just won't be on the computer much like I was every day at "work".

    Replacing A pillars could be done I suppose, but I doubt you'd want to mess with it. They are integral to the structore of the car. Isn't there a way to just grind away the rust and weld on new steel where it is needed???
  19. mcm6368

    mcm6368 Member

    A-pillar question

    Thanks for the info Jeff. I thought that patching the pillars would be the way, but didn't know if replacing was an alternative. Will just stick to removing rusted areas and patch. Once again thanks for the info. Bye for now, Clair.
  20. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Bad news. Guess I screwed up.

    The roofs on both my cars looked the same. No visible bubbling.
    When I peeled the vinyl roof off my keeper, the steel work was perfect. I figured the parts car would be the same.

    Wrong. Pulled the upper trim of the rear window and it was not a pretty sight. Pulled the sides off and there was a hole right through. Pulled the vinyl off and it didn't get better.

    All I can figure is the roof got rotted out under the vinyl over the years, and maybe 10 years back someone replaced the vinyl after most of the damage had been done. Then it took just a little more rust with no telltale bubbling to finsh the job.

    Long story short: no roof coming your way. Sorry to let you down.

    -- Steve

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