Need help with turn signal replacement 67 Skylark column shiift

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by lineman, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. lineman

    lineman Active Member

    So I have most of it apart. how I will get those three coil springs that were just sitting on what I will call the shift plate I will never know? They were just sitting there. What made them stay there? Do you put tooth picks thru them or something to try to hold them there or epoxy them on the plate they were sitting on? What is the trick?

    Does the shift lever have to come off to get the collar off? To get it off drive the roll pin out like any other? It looks like there is a plug on the top of it on the column? Can that be salvaged or what can I do to put something back there to keep the pin in place and make it look presentable? Am I going to have trouble getting the indicator in the dash to line up for the trans again or does that work off of something else?

    What else is going to be a problem getting this switch in?

    Thanks for the help

  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Did you have to go that deep into the column to get the turn signal switch out? Doesn't the housing, springs and lockplate come out as a unit? its been a while since I worked on a pre-69 column. Pictures would help
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    IIRC, the switch, housing, springs and lock plate all come out and reinstalled as an assembly. Your only supposed to loosen the screws, not remove them. Then push down on the cover and rotate counter clockwise to remove the cover as an assembly
  4. lineman

    lineman Active Member

    Thanks for the replies. yeah I I think I should have tried to take the head off as a unit but I didn't know. But the screws that hold the turn signal switch in place go thru to hold everything together, so I don't know how you would do it with out taking everything apart anyway? I assume I just did it the hard way?

    This is going to be like building a watch or something I think? To get this all back together right. I will try to take some picks. You can add your own cuss words as you go along as I bet I am going to run out of them.

    I just bought the car, no wonder. Huh.
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The service manual explains exactly how to do it. Your next purchase should be one. Its a requirement. Without it, your flying blind. Yes, you did it the hard way. You only loosen the screws then rotate counter clockwise to remove the unit as a whole.
  6. lineman

    lineman Active Member

    Thanks for the replies. I got it. It wasn't pretty but I got it together. I wasn't that bad really just had to figure it out is all. I makes since now, at the time - not so much.

    I have more issues, to work thru. I just got the car and it just needs some TLC on some electrical issues. You'll see a few more posts if I cant find some answers in the archives. So I appreciate the help.

    I took the car out for the first time this evening and its growing on me.

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