NE group Atco track rental

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Yardley, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I've been part of these before...

    You can rent the track (weekday only) for $1000 for both lanes. 9AM to 5PM.

    12 car limit.

    $84 each if we get 12 cars to show.
    $100 each for 10 cars.
    $125 each for 8 cars.
    And so on...

    Race gas is available one time in the morning. Bring gas cans to store it for later in the day. Gas stations are 7 minutes down the road. I had to go get gas both days I went.

    We would either need the money up front to pay for it, or someone has to cough up $1000 up front and collect from members afterward.

    I'm in for 2 cars.

    10 more people???

    This is THE opportunity to dial-in your car and polish your reaction time.

    Plus, trash talking among Buick friends is soooooo kewl!

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