Nats. It's the people!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by bballsam, May 26, 2004.

  1. bballsam

    bballsam SoCal Gran Sports

    Well I got home yesterday from BG. It's great to see all the Buick people your the
    I want to give a special thanks to Dave Benicek and
    Bruce Kent for there help with my tire problem. If you
    saw my last run on Fri. the
    car was all over the track.
    When I got back to the pits
    John (Osborne) was already there and when I got out of the car he called me around to the right rear fender and
    pointed to the slick--you could see the CORDS!!
    Anyhow, Mom & I had a great
    time (19th) Nationals.
  2. bballsam

    bballsam SoCal Gran Sports

    Opps, I forgot a few of my Buick friends--For all there help I want to
    thank, Tom & his son Thomas, we let Thomas make a few passes in "Very Few"
    It was his first time down the 1320.
    Also Bruce Hunter for offering his slicks when I had tire problems. And as
    always John Osborne and his friend Paul
    who changed my trailer (yes, another tire deal) tire. As always, Buick people are the Greatest!!!
  3. Bruce Hunter

    Bruce Hunter Well-Known Member

    Sam, your correct about the Buick folks being the best and lending a hand when possible, for you Sir, anything,anytime!
    I had a great time at the Nats this year, and made many knew friends as well, helping each other out at events such as this makes Our little Buick community that much nicer to be a part of!

  4. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    Sam it is always nice to see you and Mom. People like you make the Nationals!! :) Glad you had a safe trip home and good luck with your retirement:beer Nancy and Jr send their regards.

    RATROASTER BPG#1291, GS-CA#2265

    Its the people alright!! I thought I was up sheep creek without a paddle when Joe told me he had forgotten to bring his jack!!:Dou:

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