Name of Car

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Gr8ScatFan, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. Gr8ScatFan

    Gr8ScatFan ^That Car Is Sick^

    Probably a long way away, but I'll ask anyways. Been trying to think of a name for a car, wondering what you guys would call a 455 Buick.
  2. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    What color will it be?
  3. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    My 71 Riv is called the Red Rocket, or Just the Rocket for short. Colour is important, my brown lesabre is the brown-ick, a homage to my grandfathers bluei-ck
  4. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    Color is important. My flame orange convertible is "project orange crush" mainly to what its doing to my bank account. But it has a nice ring...

  5. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Mine is named for a song

    And I still cant believe I got the plate's


    Attached Files:

  6. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    Re: Mine is named for a song

    :TU: :TU:

    SRV or Hendrix ?
    btw... I say SRV :beer

    I always wanted to name my Hornet "Whole Lotta Hornet"
  7. Gr8ScatFan

    Gr8ScatFan ^That Car Is Sick^

    Colour...I was thinking some wierd colour like the car "Tweaked" but different or some multi-colour car like the Zeruchas. It could be anything tough (which is what Buick power is) like "First Round Knockout" or "Burning Rage."
  8. Gr8ScatFan

    Gr8ScatFan ^That Car Is Sick^

    Or if its a Skylark which is another thing we have our eye on, it could be called "SkyBark" and have a big pitbull on the side.
  9. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Re: Re: Mine is named for a song

    How bout "Derek and the Dominoes"

    Something about E.C. and Duane bangin chords and belting out harmonies gives me chills.Bell Bottom Blues,Layla, other assorted love songs and of course Little Wing. If you listen and get all the words it could be about a woman or a car.

    Jimmie Wrote it
    E.C. & Duane refined it
    Stevie perfected it

    I had a bud in High School Who had a little Chevy Pick up with a stout SBC
    and the Graphics on the side were...
    "Whole lotta LUV"
    Had the four Zeppelin Symbals.
    ya know that ZOSO thing airbrushed on the hood. Its was very "70s

    Yes I'm a hippie
  10. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    How about BYE-BYE LARK
    or SKY SHARK
    For the other car I was thinking
    Screaming Beagle
    I know that last one is kind of goofy
    But what the hey.

  11. Gr8ScatFan

    Gr8ScatFan ^That Car Is Sick^

    See its funny because it wouldn't be E-Tested at all or probably have the most air infecting Buick parts on it, so that would fit perfectly. And then there would be some handcuff decals or something like that on the side of the car.
  12. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King

    I've always thought that a good name for mine would be "Every Last Dime". That way, when people ask me how much I've got into my car....I could just point to the name on the side of the car. :laugh:

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