My son is leaving me

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by Mentalkase, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    for the Summer.He is heading out to Arizona for a few months to see his mommy and my parents.

    His mom is finally getting her head on straight after 5 years of rebellion,and I felt it was ok to let him go.

    Anyway,please pray that his trip will be safe and fun for him and his mom.That she will be able to do the things with him that she should do,and keep herself together.That his plane trip will be uneventful,and that God sends a battalion of angels to carry the plane to his destination.

    Thank you and be blessed,I will be back Sat night,I am going to stay in New Orleans for the next few nights to spend them with my son,Jaycen.
  2. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    Good luck with that Kase. Broken families are a real bitch, I've been there. I don't think any man could understand your pain unless he has been there, and I have. When you are a caring father in a society where the mother is always assumed to be the best for a child regardless of circumstances it really sucks. Pray A LOT that's what I did and it's the only explanation I have as to how things turned out so well for me and my children. A father who gets custody is very lucky and hard to do. Sometimes I look at dads with their kids on weekends and wonder if they are going through the same thing or if their wife is just at work. What a painful thing, all the broken families in our country today. Hang in there buddy, time heals! :bglasses:

    Here's to evil women:moonu:
  3. rivstg1

    rivstg1 Well-Known Member

    I"m praying for you and your situation, may you grow closer to the Lord thru this.

    '64 Riv
  4. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    I am back,and Jaycen is safe and sound in Arizona.Thank you for the prayers,they are appreciated and needed.

    I got a call just two minutes after Jaycen left the ground,it was my mom,she was informing me that my wife and her husband were going to be taking their car to get my son.Their car is a major beater,and really should not be driven out of Bullhead City.I was a bit angry when I found that out.

    About 2:30 my ex called and informed me Jaycen had gotten their safely,and the first question I asked was why her Grandfather had not driven them.I was getting ready to go off.She informed me her Grandfater has Cancer of the bladder,and he just could not drive.So her Grandmother volunteered to go with them in her car.

    I was quite relieved that they had a good car to drive to Vegas.I am saddened to hear her Grandfather has Cancer though.If you could lift him up in prayer about his Cancer it is greatly appreciated.


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