My endless 65 wildcat search

Discussion in 'The Hobby Lobby' started by modelfritz, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. modelfritz

    modelfritz Manfred Range

    Yep Here I am once again looking for that ever elusive STOCK!! 65 Wildcat model. On this forum I have discovered many avenues for aquiring the full-size car, so now I want the Wildcatters to help me find that model. I did buy one awhile back only to find out I spent a lot of money to buy a chopped, lowered, morphed version, that I was totally unhappy with. How dare they alter the most perfect design!! :rant: Well, .. i vented. How about it, Anyone have one in their collections somewhere. Heck, if it is nicely done, I might even buy it. It is the most elusive model I've ever sought. I have the 66 cat, 65 riv, 68 fury, 55 ford pickup, and 37 Cord (very very rare), to mention some. Manfred the modelfritz
  2. J-(Chicago)

    J-(Chicago) Well-Known Member

    Aw man... There was one at the Cal-Sag boneyard in Lemont, IL about 8 years ago. It was in real shambles. No floor pans left at all. The guy was an ass and tried to steal $100 bucks from me, so I never went back.

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