Muscle Car Power magazine???

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by David Gramlow, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. Ok, has anyone received their premier issue of Tom Shaw's new magazine? For some time now we've been hearing "it's shipping soon"... Anyone seen it yet? :puzzled: :confused:
  2. pakual

    pakual San Jose California

    Where did you sign up for it?
    Can anyone else sign up?
  3. Rusty Davenport

    Rusty Davenport Silver Level contributor

    Well it was supposed to be a spring issue but at this time I am wondering what year. I would not recommend to send any money until the first magizine comes out;just wait till it comes out and order at that time.Those of us that sent our money in over 7 months ago paid the same as you will pay once magizine comes out,so no benifit in prepayment of a magizine that no one knows when it will be availible.
  4. John, back in late winter, they solicited sales of the premier issue that was described as a Spring issue of the magazine. It was posted on this bulletin board, on either the Pure Stock, or the Stock Appealing forums. Many of us sent in $9.95 for that first issue, that supposedly is shipping very soon, at least per the comments of some who attended the Bristol event in Sept. I don't doubt that it will be coming sooner or later, but I'm not holding my breath. I think they've been trying to include as much coverage as possible of relevant 2002 events. Unfortunately, that means the idea of calling it a "Spring" issue was just a bit far-fetched. I personally wonder if the reason for a spring issue morphing into a fall/winter issue, isn't because of funding, but that is PURE speculation on my part. I know they want to put out a top quality magazine, and that takes a lot of time and effort. I'm sure the finished product will be well worth the wait. :Do No:
  5. Gold72GS

    Gold72GS Wheelman

    I sure miss getting Musclecar Review magazine! It was my fav! Maybe this one will be able to take it's place. Hopefully!!!:( Brian

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