Modulated radio working on only one channel...

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by errickrb, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. errickrb

    errickrb Active Member

    For my 1969 Buick Wildcat, I recently installed an AM-FM radio, with the multiplexer on the top, and I've realized that only one of the channels works all the time, the other one (that comes form the box/multiplexer?) frequently is either very quiet, or if it decides to be audible, typically produces a sound which is of a far lower quality (noisy, pops and crackles occasionally) to the other channel. Any ideas on what could possibly be causing that? In the front of the car I'm using two pioneer 4-8 ohm (I heard these tend to only be 4 ohms, although they say 8 ohm compatible( speakers from 1983 that I bought at a yard sale from about 5 dollars, new in box with the cellophane still in place, each pioneer being wired in series with two old Chrysler 9x6 speakers of about 10 ohms. I checked the fabric of the speakers, and all four seem to be perfect.

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