Mike Atwood, over the hill and fading fast!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by David Gramlow, Nov 20, 2002.

  1. WOW, you've reached the "Golden Years"... :eek2: :laugh: Have a great 40th Mike! :beer :beer :TU: :TU:
  2. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    Hey watch it with that over the hill stuff Dave :bglasses:
    I'm 42 and I don't feal a day over 41 :rolleyes:

    :beer :beer :beer to all of us over 40 guys

    :laugh: :laugh: :TU:
  3. Hey Mark, old man...I'm also 42! :TU: But I don't feel a day over 39... :laugh:
  4. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    YAH but I've got a 5 month old grand daughter :eek2:
    that I spend alot of time with
    and I tell her about GS's and V8 buick.com and she is always watching me on the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :bglasses: :bglasses: :Comp: :TU:
  5. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    Wow! Thanks guys.......but you guys must have missed the memo that was handed out. Once you hit 40 you get to start counting backwards.......the only drawback to this program however, is that when you near 1 again, you revert to wearing diapers again, having no memory of where you came from, having someone mash all your food because you have no teeth, and asking permission to go outside because you tend to wander off and get lost. :Brow:

  6. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  7. OLDS442GM

    OLDS442GM Going Fast With Class!


  8. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Happy Birthday Mike. :beer

    40.... It's a good round number.
  9. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!


    LMAO!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Gotta send that to the folks.:TU:
  10. Jeff Kroeger

    Jeff Kroeger Active Member

    I need to learn how to insert quotes.....but that part about countin' backwards & wearing diapers, etc..
    I must say "OHHH Mistuh Atwood....YOO SUCH FUNNEE BOY !"
    That stuff cracked My ass up ! I plan to use it Myself and I'm sure I'll get plenty of mileage out of it ! Hey ! Thanks !

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  11. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    :grin: Glad you liked it......I guess I got my mileage out of it today too! Thanks again everyone!:beer

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