Mark Lob/ TurboV6...A+++++++++++++

Discussion in 'Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by George D., May 18, 2015.

  1. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Mark had a column shift tilt up for sale... Packed well, shipped quickly! All of the needed parts were with the column as well as a new turn signal wiring harness!! Everything was 100% correct for my car.. A simple plug and play.

    Thanks Mark!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. TurboV6

    TurboV6 Platinum Level Contributor

    Your very welcome George. I am pleased that this works for you :TU:
    Have you taken my name off your "list" yet?? :laugh:
  3. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

  4. 1972 Stage 1

    1972 Stage 1 Well-Known Member

    Mark is great. He is also on my list - when I need parts I go down a list and he is at the top. :TU:
  5. TurboV6

    TurboV6 Platinum Level Contributor

    Thanks James.

    Did you by chance find that connector? I was going thru boxes yesterday and may have one.

    BTW, being on George's "list" somehow, is a tad different :laugh:
  6. 1972 Stage 1

    1972 Stage 1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, got the adapter locally. Thanks.

    Ok, so perhaps George will define George's "list"?
  7. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    James, I believe you, Horsey and DL are already on 'that' list....

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