mallory hei for buick 350

Discussion in 'Small Block Tech' started by Megamantrigger, Mar 7, 2003.

  1. Megamantrigger

    Megamantrigger Well-Known Member

    Does Mallory make a hei distributor for a buick 350?
    or is there a better choice... it will be for street.
  2. sbbuick

    sbbuick My driving scares people!

    That's easy..

    The 350 is the same distributor as the 455. The only difference is the dist GEAR. If you're mostly stock street, I'd use a rebuilt or junkyard HEI and put a 7 dollar recurve kit in it! If you find a big block, just remember to change out the gear.

    Same goes for MSD and Mallory. They may only list BBB, just buy it and change the gear!

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