M&H dash harness - nice stuff

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by 70sgeek, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. 70sgeek

    70sgeek drive it like a rental.

    Finally installed my new Year One dash harness in the ol' rag this weekend - had already done the rear and intermediate sections - just thought I'd pass along M&H quality and fit is excellent. Except for one connector I had to change due to theirs being too small for the terminal it went to, all went in perfectly.

    'course it figures when all is going well, something is bound to snag ya :laugh:

    I half-snapped a pin on back of the fuel gauge :spank: while wiring up the cluster.... If anyone has a good extra board to part with plz feel free to give a shout as I attempt to superglue mine back together in the meantime....

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