lost reverse

Discussion in 'The "Juice Box"' started by Ron, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. Ron

    Ron New Member

    I just lost reverse in my (350 auto) 72 Skylark. The column shift passes right over reverse without dropping in. It worked fine until it disappeared without warning. I've played with the linkage but it just doesn't seem to have a spot to drop into. Anybody have this happen? Is there a fix other than a new trans? Also if I need a new trans how can I tell if this is the original and worth rebuilding rather than swapping it out?


  2. skylarkroost

    skylarkroost skylarkroost

    Ron, do the other gears still operate correctly? Is the notchy feeling gone as you move the lever? Does park still hold the car still? Any noises prior to reverse leaving town?
  3. Ron

    Ron New Member

    I still have drive. The "notchy feeling" is completely gone, even with the linkage disconnected turning the selector on the trans itself. Park was OK till I started playing with the linkage. Now it wants to roll but I think I could put that right. No noises or any other indication of a problem until reverse disappeared. The car had been sitting in the garage for most of the last year getting body and paint. So there hasn't been any wear and tear on it.

  4. skylarkroost

    skylarkroost skylarkroost

    Reverse is usually the first one to leave town when a pump goes out since the line pressure is so high in it. I can't understand why the notchyness is gone though. The parking pawl is what gives it that feeling. Its a little deal on the back side of the shifter shaft that kinda looks like a rooster's comb. If it was loose/broken it shouldn't effect reverse from working, but would make it easy to drop down to neutral or drive instead.

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