Last Meal or Last night of sex??

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by lesabre, Feb 4, 2004.


What would u rather have, if u were on Death Row, and u were going to die tomarrow?

  1. LastMeal

    10 vote(s)
  2. Last night of sex

    54 vote(s)
  1. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    I'd request a "Getaway Car"?!:Smarty::laugh:

    That way I could go to a Restaurant and EAT what I want. Then pick up a Waitress, and go have SEX with her.

    And when you're done Eating AND having Sex, then DON'T GO BACK TO DEATH ROW (because you have a GETAWAY CAR!):Smarty::TU:

  2. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    :jd: :laugh: Too Funny!
  3. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    YES SIR-RE BUDDY!:Smarty:
  4. r0ckstarr79


    Mrs. Howell........................... :laugh:

    j/k- seriously....
  5. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    What ????

    That woman can also cook afterwards :beer
  6. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member

    Screw the food :Brow:

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    my vote is for sex. a final meal will at best last two hours, by chosing sex you can prolong your life an extra 6 or seven hours . I would imagine, since a meal is more than one dish, you would get to have more than one partner as well.
  8. tlivingd


  9. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    This question's easy! I'd have a double whopper with a king size fry and large coke.
  10. buickx

    buickx Well-Known Member

    I think LESABRE has to much time on his hands, and stated this thread to come up with ideas and reasons to be voted by a JURY
    as a member of the last meal/last night of sex group !!!!:eek2:
  11. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    Now, don't take this the wrong way. I love my wife and everything, but...
    I'd have to go with the professor. The man made a radio out of coconuts for pete's sake! There's gotta be something he could make to get me out of jail (and without Gilligan around to screw it up, I think it would be a sure bet).
    BTW- my second choice would be Mary Ann
  12. lesabre


    u get to choose your partner
    my buddy chad says he'ld take sex
  13. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Perhaps the reason we're on death row is because we killed Gilligan so we could actually get off the Island.
  14. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    He would have been shark food the first season, if it were me.
  15. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    It's a way of choice. If it was a full on thanksgiving with every kind of food imaginable vs. that really old lady on the corner of 3rd and main...

    Or if it was a soggy cold burger with a warm soda vs. <insert hottest female you can think of here>...
  16. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    Wow.... thats a lot of MPH for mid 14's. :eek2:
    What's your 60'?
  17. lesabre


    My car is now all stock i had evrything taken off to help pay for college

    I had in there Flowmast exahst, k&n arirfilter, a high perfomance chip,edlbrock manifold,hooker header,ect. i got my warinty back now but my HP sucks. i am now putting out 135HP i was doing 200HP i did
  18. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    I saw that in person when I was in Ottawa this summer. It was at the Luskville Raceway. Here's a picture I took of it:
  19. NickDFX

    NickDFX Well-Known Member

    I vote for food.
    #1 You can lie if you want but, we know the truth is food tastes better.
    #2 You can eat nice and slow and just ask for an all you can eat buffet.
    #3 You know how much saltpeter they put in jail food? You'd be lucky to get to half mast.
    #4 Magic mushrooms are food.
    #5 So are pot brownies.
    #6 I'm sure you're in jail because of a woman to begin with.
    #7 Lobster Franchaise, certain sushi, beer and pizza all give you a rush
    #8 You could go to a drive through in a Buick
    #9 Even if you have the best sex ever, you'll still want her to leave right after.

    and #10............................................... After the sex you know she'd nag you to death anyway.
  20. Ergot

    Ergot Fast with cash.

    Depends on wether or not they'd let you use the electric chair itself for your pre-death romp. :Brow:

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