just ordered a new radio

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by gbsean, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    It's a Mac thing - you wouldn't understand!! (Re: just ordered a new radio)

    Hi Larry and V-8 Buick Audiophiles,

    :grin: Well, then you-sir are obviously . . . . not of the brotherhood!! :laugh:

    Oops, not the Buick brotherhood - the Mac brotherhood! [​IMG]

    Since I bought my first Mac in 1988 . . . . well . . . .

    It is kinda like owning a Buick . . . . only much more geeky!! :laugh:

    Cheers, Edouard :beer
  2. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    They are a dealer. Classic Metal Supply. Located in Illinois.


    For anyone else considering purchasing this system. I ordered last night. 279.00 with free shipping. I'll report back when it gets here.
  3. gbsean

    gbsean Moderator

    correct sir...I did not see them listed on the main page...when you click the map you get more dealers

    oh and remote does work with the Nano...it helps if you have the RF reciever is plugged in
  4. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Well, I received my SecretAudio Radio a few weeks ago. I've been taking my time. I wired everything up to the harness, and today, I secured the hidden part under my seat, to a benzi box where I had my other radio. I installed the display panel into my center console. I previously changed my speakers. I have a pair of 3 1/2" Blaupunkts in the stock location near the windshield. They have bass blockers on them so they don't distort trying to reproduce low bass. I have a pair of 6 x 9 Blaupunkts in the rear deck. They are all very efficient speakers with a sensitivity rating of 92 Db or better. I can tell you this, I don't need any more power. It plays plenty loud for me. I put about 50 mp3's on a flash drive, and they sound great also. The USB input is easily accessible behind the seat, and it gets tucked out of sight. Everything is controlled with the wired display in the console. I highly recommend this system to anyone who wants better sound, but wants to leave the stock radio in the dash.

    Attached Files:

  5. gbsean

    gbsean Moderator

    glad I was able to contribute...I guess seeing mine and hearing it at yards got ya motivated....I need to get front speakers
  6. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Thanks for the report!! (Re: just ordered a new radio)

    Hi Larry and V-8 Buick audiophiles,

    Thanks Larry for the report!! :TU: Lots of interesting details. I hadn't thought about going with 3 1/2" Blaupunkts for the stock speaker location. I have two speakers of that size there now, but obviously not of that quality.

    I feel stupid putting back the original radio now that I have a replica unit in it place. However, being the packrat that I am, [​IMG] I dutifully kept the original radio - just in case. . . . . Now the secret radios are actually ahead in technology and sound quality over the custom-fit stereo units . . . . . I might have to consider this route instead! :idea2:

    Thanks again for all the "learning" do help us do!! :Smarty:

    Cheers, Edouard :beer

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