Just bought a 1972 Buick GS 350.

Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by Lantz, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    Thanks Randy and Deathstars. That's a really nice car deathstars, and it's nice to know that someone else had a car as bad off as mine is, and managed to put it togetheer on a budget, and Randy, I am going to be taking it very slowly, I'm 17,and I've got lots of time on my hands. I will take your advice. I think restoriing cars, and taking trash and turning it into a treasure is just as fun as driving them. Also, deathstars, I am considering 3.73 gears, and I think that would be a good idea, big rear tires also sound cool to me though. I am encouraged enough now, that I am going to start on the car as soon as possible, by stripping as much rust off as possible. Once I have things down to bare metal, I can start moving forward.
  2. Deathstars

    Deathstars Supercharged Swede

    Sounds like a great idea. I usually browse around V8buick to look at projects, to get my own steam running, since god knows I've had setbacks while renovating this car.

    If you do get discouraged to continue or just lose interest, sit down and just check through project builds, or look at 72' Skylarks on youtube and keep working! :)
  3. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'll do that. I learn a lot from those too. There are so many different things to do to make a car your own, it's really cool.
  4. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    I posted in your other thread before but I just saw pics of the car and its definately going to be a fun project. I would have saved it also!

    Pretty cool we have another young gun around here. Im 17 in 2 hours lol.
  5. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    THanks, that's cool! Also, happy birthday!
  6. Deathstars

    Deathstars Supercharged Swede

    Have to add, I'm also a young gun member, turning 19 in 13 days time.

    Been restoring cars since I was 13 years old which was when I bought my first one with a bit of financial help from my dad.

    It's great fun restoring them.
  7. staged70

    staged70 RIP

  8. Phil

    Phil It really *is* a 350...

    Just don't get married until after you finish the car and you'll be fine.
  9. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    Wow, I bookmarked that thread. Thanks for the link. That really didn't look as hard as I figured it would be. They didn't have to fabricate any parts themselves? My grandpa always made his own body panels out of sheet metal. I suppose I am not going to have to worry about bending anything just right or anything. Just precision welding. That trunk floor replacement was awesome. I really wish I had a rotisserie like that guy did though. It looks like a hard, time consuming project, but I think it is within my skill level. My roof isn't in nearly as bad a condition as his was either. Luckily for me, someone removed the vinyl top before the metal underneath was destroyed. I admire whoever did that project. That is pretty awesome. I am probably going to have to replace the driver's side front floor panel, but other than that, my car is about the same condition as his was. This is encouraging. Oh, and I am now convinced that I need a sandblaster.
  10. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    Haha, spoken for truth. Unless I can find some saint of a woman with the patience of Jesus, and the same enthusiasm for cars as I have. Probably not going to happen....
  11. dynaflow

    dynaflow shiftless...

    Welcome! Looked at pics...usual places for neglected car. Yes, it's a BIG project...but as you've seen, others have been brought back in same or worse condition. You have youthful energy and enthusium on your side. So long as you don't lose that, you'll be OK. If I were doing it, I'd start by stripping inside and removing bolt-on body parts...get down to basic welded body to see exactly what is needed. You're going to need place(s) to store removed items and work area. Be sure to take lots of digital pics and label/bag everything...amazing how quickly we forget. Get an assembly manual...great resource. Good luck on your project!...oh, and I remember when I was young and had no money...some great memories and life experience there...
  12. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    Luckily for me, the guy that sold it to me gave me a "chassis" manual. I don't know what difference there is between a chassic manual and an assembly manual, but I'll find out. I don't even have a garage right now, but I have a large driveway, and if I have to, I'll store parts in my bedroom.
  13. 70buickgsxclone

    70buickgsxclone love my GSX

    Gomaod luck... I'm new to the block too. Good for u for saving it. Id mabee sell ur 53 gmc if cash gets too low to fund the buick. Those trucks are a dime a dozen and can literally be found everywhere so if you wanted another one you could easily get one.
  14. ceas350

    ceas350 "THE BURNER"

    Welcome keep us updated on your project.
    Here is a thread I started about wheel and tire combos. http://v8buick.com/showthread.php?t=194022
  15. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

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