Jack Stands question

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 12lives, Jan 2, 2003.

  1. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Is there a best place to set the jack stands under the front? I am doing the lower control arms so I need good height, I'm thinking about under the frame under the door front jam right before the frame makes the turn inward.

    :Do No: - Bill
  2. OLDS442GM

    OLDS442GM Going Fast With Class!

    Thats a good location Bill, but also use a jack on the rear just in case the car decides to lift the front end up....put the jack stands just in front of the wheel well on the frame rail, then put a jack on either the left or right side behind the wheel well just in case the front decides to lift when you untighten a bolt. Remember SAFETY FIRST, and test it by pushing down on the trunk lid to be sure BEFORE you go under :TU:

  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Hey Bill,

    Delete some email, your box is full.
  4. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    One thing that I've noticed over the last 20 years working on these cars is that the frames flex quite a bit from the engine weight. If you place the stands on the frame just in front of the doors the front of the car droops down a little bit. Often this is enough to make the front "point" of the door interfere with the corresponding location on the front fender. Watch your paint! Maybe put a little masking tape here.
  5. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go


    Jeff - done! - Bill

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