Ive got some parts for someone

Discussion in '"Pay It Forward"' started by simon1243, May 11, 2006.

  1. simon1243

    simon1243 Got Torque?

    ive got a spair steering column that i took some parts off of. so let me know what ya need and i will let ya know what ive got to get rid of. if ya want to pay me great :beer if ya dont want to pay me for the parts thats great too :beer . all i ask is that ya pay for the shipping :bglasses: :3gears:

    p.s how come the smilie guy doing burnouts and rippen through the gears only has 3 gears? didnt the cars with maual trannies have a 4 speed?
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  2. ynahpetscnb

    ynahpetscnb Well-Known Member

    What is it out of? Is it tilt? What peats are gone?
  3. simon1243

    simon1243 Got Torque?

    its a tilt and its out of a 73 riv. im making one column out of two cause ive got a column mounted shifter and im converting my car into a floor shift. so ive got pretty much anything that someone might want. some parts are a dull light green, some are black. ive also got a steering wheel if someone wants that as well but its not in that great of shape. its really sticky
  4. simon1243

    simon1243 Got Torque?

    anyone? if no one want any of the stuff it goin to the trash
  5. GRIMM

    GRIMM Well-Known Member

    does the steering wheel have the lever with the cruise control engager on it?

    mine broke and a new assembly with that might be nice.
  6. simon1243

    simon1243 Got Torque?

    ya its got it but its not in very good shape. its all pitted and faded
  7. justalark

    justalark Silver Level contributor

    I'm trying to put my "new" wheel and column together but I'm missing the large thick washer and nut that hold the wheel on the column, can you help?
  8. simon1243

    simon1243 Got Torque?

    ya ill send them to ya. do you think i could just stick them in a thick envelope and and put em in the mail? anyways whats you address?
  9. justalark

    justalark Silver Level contributor

    Should be worth a try.
    I'll PM an address.
    Thanks a million its a big help.
    Pls let me know mail costs.

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