Its Been A While

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by Lynxh, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. Lynxh

    Lynxh Well-Known Member

    Hi all,
    I used to post here often a year or two ago and then just drifted off the map. Well let me give you a run down of why I need some divine intervention. About a year ago I was in a car accident that left my left arm completely messed up and I am still waiting now for a surgery "cure" and its all gone down hill since there, with my arm injured I had to give up my job because I was a mechanic and because I gave up my job I couldn't buy a house that me and my girlfriend were looking at, or buy the car we had ordered. Then we had to give up our apartment and we began living with my girlfriends parents, and due to all this our relationship was getting worse and we parted ways several months ago, needless to say if we were buying a house together we were going to get married but hey I guess it was just too much for her to handle in her life. I've been battling severe depression for several years and this didn't really help matters. Well they say talking about it helps so here I am. Sorry for the big rant but had to get it out to someone. Any of you guys out there got any favours from the big man upstairs:pray: I could sure use the help. Well now I feel a bit better. Thanks for reading and listening.
  2. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    I'm on my way to service now. I will keep you in my prayers this morning. :TU:
  3. Lynxh

    Lynxh Well-Known Member

    Thanks man I could use all the help I can get. Hard to stay positive but I am trying.
  4. sharkmonkey

    sharkmonkey Give me something to hit!

    I'll add you to my prayer list as well.

    Hang in there!
  5. OhioState

    OhioState Deuce & a quarter

    I will pray for you too. Good luck.
  6. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Prayers from here. Focus on the good. Sometimes seems hard to find, but it is there.

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