Is it a GS?

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by J_81185, May 25, 2004.

  1. J_81185

    J_81185 Member

    How can you tell if a 66 Riviera is a GS or not with the possibility of the GS emblems being lost over the years?

    Thanks for any help you can give me.
  2. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    3.42 Positraction rear axle, stiffer springs, HD shocks, optional was the quick-ratio steering box (3 turns left to right) And ofcourse the GS emblems (or the holes where they were attached to the car and dash). Chrome air cleaner lid and aluminium valve covers.

    The 425 in the GS had the MW code for the 4 barrel, and MZ code for the Dual Quads engine.

    With Flint museum documentation you might be able to find out by the production number if it's a true GS or not.

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