Initial Timing?

Discussion in 'Small Block Tech' started by 70Custom, Jun 13, 2004.

  1. 70Custom

    70Custom Well-Known Member

    I am having problems getting my engine to fire. I think it is the timing. When I bought it the man told me it ran, and I believe him. All I did was replace all gaskets and drop it in. I have set the timing "by the book". I did not see in the manual what number to place on the mark. I set it at zero, it does not do anything, it will back fire once in awhile. Is my distrubitor off, or do I need to set it at a different number?
  2. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    First thing to do is make sure you are getting a spark. If you are, it is most likely that you have the distributor in 180* out. Take the distributor out. Then pull the #1 sparkplug out. Hold your finger in the plug hole, and have someone bump the starter in short bursts, until compression forces your finger out of the plug hole. Look at the timing marks. The mark on the damper should be approaching the timing tab. Turn the crank until the damper mark is aligned with the 0. Then install the distributor, so that the firing end of the rotor is pointing towards the #1 plug wire tower on the cap. You may have to start with the rotor pointing away from where you want it to end up. This is because as you drop the distributor in the rotor will turn. Also make sure the oil pump is engaged and the distributor drops all the way down.
  3. Corellian Corve

    Corellian Corve Well-Known Member

    I'm going to agree with everything that was said above *except* the part about bumping the starter with your finger in the cylinder. Sorry, but I'm not sticking my finger in a piston moving on engine torque. :jd:

    If it were *me* - I would loosen the belt on the alternator, and put a socket on the dampener bolt and turn it over by hand with your finger in #1. You can feel the compression even with a slow turn, and you can watch the timing mark come around to #1.

    Then move forward with those instructions.

  4. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I didn't mean stick your finger in the hole. I meant just cover the hole with the tip of your finger. When the piston gets close, you'll know it well in advance of TDC
  5. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Good one! I would be surprised if you could get your finger very far into the whole, unless you have small fingers.

    I know I was weary of this the first time my neighbor wanted to do the test on his GTO. All you will probably be able to feel is a little air pushing on your finger if your fingers are big.

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