Importance of small details!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by STAGE III, Mar 16, 2017.


    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Okay yeh yeh it's nice to help someone learn something new but all I can think of is two things. Number one those are NOT proper work shoes(!)and (2)she is cross threading that nut!
    Welllllllll........guess they aren't that expensive.......let's rotate um all !:Brow: :eek2:

    I am a bad bad man:laugh:

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  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    She does know how to hold the wrench, doesn't she?
  3. JoeBlog

    JoeBlog Platinum Level Contributor

    I wonder what kind of handling you'd get with those big round things on the front end like that. It'd have to be a purpose built vehicle, I'd suppose...
  4. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    Didn't know they had air bags back then!
  5. marxjunk

    marxjunk Well-Known Member

    Looks like a very young Linda Vaughn..if it is, those aint fake...

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