I'm quitting my job today!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickgsman, May 4, 2005.

  1. buickgsman

    buickgsman Well-Known Member

    Yup, its true! After nine years of being a cubicle rat at a big Insurance company, and hating every single day, I'm outta here.

    I'm going to work with my brother in law in his coffee machine repair business. Doesn't sound like much, but coffee machines break constantly.

    I'm nervous as HE!!, but can i see myself sitting here in the same chair in 30 years? NOPE!

    Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it, I'm going to tell my boss right now.

  2. 65 GS

    65 GS Nailed

    Good Luck, Hope it works out for you :cool:
  3. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Good Luck Bob :TU:

    DO it with a big smile on your face and leave a lasting impression.

    Maybe give one of those big dip movie kisses to the prettiest girl in the office on your way out :Brow:

    Atta Boy!!!

  4. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    Good luck Bob. I don't drink much coffee but my wife should have stock in Dunkin Donuts.
  5. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    give them a pink slip, tell them you have to let them go, and never look back.

    LOL @ big dip movie kisses. good one !

    burn all your bridges as you go. :rant:
    Last edited: May 4, 2005
  6. SharpSabre455

    SharpSabre455 Sloan says "It's Rare!"

    Plan Carefully!


    I made a major "life-change" decision concerning my job 7 years ago this spring. The pay cut was awful (62% less), but I'm happier in my new role and I'm able to spend more time with my family which is the real reason I changed jobs.

    Just a suggestion: Make sure you've seriously thought of all the financial implications because your creditors won't care about you or your family, they'll call you day and night.

    I have no regrets with my decision and I hope your decision works out for you too. God Bless and my best to you and your family.

  7. skyphix

    skyphix Well-Known Member

    I did this about 3 weeks ago.

    It was my first time ever quitting a job, and I did it when our three man department was already down to two.

    I decided to go back part time to train the next two hires. I'm killing myself now, but the contacts I'll hopefully keep by being civil in my leaving may be crucial for my future.

    Good luck, and congrats :TU:
  8. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass


    I quit my corporate life on March 7th and my last day was March 24th. I went into business for myself. And I couldn't be happier!

    I have a lot more responsibility now, as I'm the sales, accounting and management departments all rolled in to one, but I love it.

    Sometimes making a sweeping change is a good thing. I actually seem to do it every decade or so, and each time I embark on a whole new fantastic voyage.

    Enjoy the ride and enjoy the new challenges!
  9. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    Good luck Bob :TU:
    I gave up the rat race years ago to work for myself. It's been challenging, but quite rewarding.
    If it's not too late to offer you some friendly advice,,,
    Quit on the best possible terms, dont burn any bridges.... You never know if your gonna be back on your hands and knees in 6 months.

    I hope everything works out for you!
  10. Steve Craig

    Steve Craig Gold Level Contributor

    Best of luck. Been on my own going on ten years now. Never looked back nor had any regrets.
  11. Joe Kelsch

    Joe Kelsch Eat Mo' Rats

    One of the happiest days in my life is when I quit PNC Bank. Tired of the cube farm life my brother called me at work and said "send your resume here". I did and 3 weeks later I was an employee of the Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad. I made twice as much my first year at 80% with the RR than I did at the bank the year before. Granted my hours suck and I work about everyday of the week, but I don't have to pay into Social Security :laugh:
  12. 71RIV/GS

    71RIV/GS Well-Known Member

    Good Luck, I commuted to college 100 miles a day round trip for four years got a bachelors degree and then went to grad school; in the mean time the wife got pregnant.....
    well the stress from school and being away from her and a newborn just got to me and I had to make a hard decision...finish school or put it on hold and be with my family. Much thought went into the decision and I choose my family. Best thing I ever did.I'll finish school someday that can wait ..but missing out on your child's growing up can't be replaced! I still think about that decision and sometimes wonder if I made the right choice. Then my [now] 3 year old son will come to me for no reason and give me a hug or a kiss and tell me he loves me and I know I made the right choice. Invest in your family not a job. Your family will always be there through your ups and downs ..you can always get a new job ....you only get one family! good luck!
  13. EEE

    EEE Straight out of lo-cash!

    Good for you :TU: It's always good to hear someone do something about their situation. Good luck!
  14. 72 pet chicken

    72 pet chicken i dont wanna be a pirate!

    so how did it go?!?!?!? iv been trying to think of creative ways to quit my job.

  15. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    Pete, when my Pop retired from the police force (31 years) he hung a piece of mistletoe from his back belt loop at the retirement ceremony!! :laugh: :laugh: :TU: :moonu:

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