I'm home all day due to snow, lets talk.....

Discussion in 'Cars wanted' started by GSJohn, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    OK Guys,....The snow and wind has us all indoors today, I did my duties shoveling and clearing, now it's time to get down to business. As you may or may not know, I am looking for a 1966-1972 Skylark or GS. I would also consider a Cutlass or 442, Camaro, Nova or Chevelle in that order. Looking for a very nice car that I can drive, and take to local car shows and awe people. I am pretty particular, especially about the interior. I would like bucket seats, but bench with armrest is OK. The car should be in great shape, ready to go. No green or white colors please. Thanks.
    Looking to spend up to $15,000.00 max,.....that would include the shipping if need be. Let me know what you have for sale, I will answer all emails, calls, PM's, whatever. Today is the day, since I am home all day, I'll be watching the race later.
    My # is 715-743-2253
    emails is: JSimonson@TDS.net
    or PM me. If emailing, please send any and all info possible and photos too.
    Thanks for your time.
  2. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Hi John,
    I hear what you say about the snow!, same here in Manitowoc!! Did my shoveling duties along with my newly aquired "domestic" duties, and now I'm bored. Was in the shop all day yesterday and just don't feel like going out there again today. I have to work up to it slowly!! lol
    I'lll keep an eye out for a good buy. If I see one, I'll let you know!
    Have a good one!
  3. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    Thanks Steve! I appreciate it. It's so hard to tell how much snow we got due to the drifting, we have 5 foot drifts in some places and others there is nothing. I would guess we received about 15-20 inches here in Clark county. Sure is a lot more than we are used to! Makes for alot of extra work. :rant:
    Yeah, nothing to do here either, I can't work up any energy to do what I should..........I wonder,....if I pestered my wife enough, if she would make some chocolate chip cookies!!??? :Do No: OK, I would help her mix the dough! It's the least I could do.
    Maybe I'll find that car I am looking for soon. Thanks for your help, and stay warm!
  4. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    yo, Steve. since all y'all look to be cooped up for a little while maybe you'll have a chance to get a check up on my street sign again?

    :eek: :Brow:
  5. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Hey, I'll do just that! I'll call my buddy right now and let you know what he says.
  6. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    What a nice start to a real sleeper!! There you go John! :TU:
    We can always use more Cailfornia cars in WI!!

  7. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Hey bobkmando,

    I talked to the right people and they'll see what they can do. I think the chances are pretty good though!! hehe Could be a while though, but I'll let you know!

  8. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    Could be a while though, but I'll let you know!


    perhaps you haven't noticed Steve, but i'm not noted for my patience. :error:

    ( how long have i been bugging you about this anyway? a year and a half? more? :beer )
  9. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Alright, so getting that sign is NOT on the top of my priority list right now. Give me some credit, I did set the CORRECT wheels in motion this time!! lol (I did try about a year ago, but it might have been through the wrong channels!)
    You know what comes first for me these days right? Buicks? NO! Try cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, paying bills, soon to be cutting grass, yard work,..... Bla, Bla, Bla!!! lol
    Life goes on man!! Straight ahead!! (Good thing that I have just a few good friends to help me through it all!!!!!!!)
    Take it easy!
  10. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    yeah, i'll try to ride you more gently from now on... :spank:

  11. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Yeh, yeh,....keep it up and I'll just send pictures of the sign hanging on MY WALL!! LOL

    Hey, to continue with the content of the original post, we"ll be getting about 12 more inchs of snow between tonight and tomorrow. Wisconsin is really a great place to live,....about 9 months of the year!! This winter is really starting to get to me. Warm weather cannot come soon enough for this guy!! Keep repeting to myself,...... MOVE SOUTH, MOVE SOUTH, MOVE SOUTH!!
    Take care, Steve
  12. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    snow, what snow? 79 today.

    heck, the house doesn't even cool down to 70 by the time i get up in the morning even the the low is down in the low 60's.

    don't worry, i'll pay for this come hurricane season.


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