ignation will not turn off

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by Michael Evans, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project

    Started the engine for the first time this year (new engine) and it will not cut off.

    Key felt fine in both directions, it will not turn the engine off.

    It is a 1972 Skylark.

    Anyone have this?

    Any ideas on what it might be?
  2. Chris Cornett

    Chris Cornett Well-Known Member

    MSD box? If so you need to solder a diode in.
  3. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project

    No changes over the winter.

    It worked fine last time I turned it off.
  4. offbrand Racing

    offbrand Racing Platinum Level Contributor

    My msd did that but if i hit the breaks..i guess to pull voltage... It would shut off. The diode trick works best.
  5. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    I don't know about MSD ignition failure modes. Do you have one of them on the car?

    One possibility is that the yellow wire ("R" terminal on the starter solenoid) that provides power to the ignition while cranking is in contact with the battery terminal on the starter. You will have constant power to the ignition if this is the case, but you would have a had a stone dead battery.

    Another possibility is that the ignition switch has failed. The contacts can sometimes come loose. How did you shut it off? Pull the coil wire?

    Check the coil for power with the key off. There should be no power with the key off.

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