I Just Had My Wisdom Tooth Pulled Today Ouch !!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by killrbuick66455, May 31, 2005.

  1. killrbuick66455

    killrbuick66455 Well-Known Member

    I Just Had My Wisdom Tooth Pulled OUCH!!!!!!!!

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2005
  2. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    Just wait until you get a dry socket, then they hit the jawbone with the metal tool used to remove and replace the packing! :eek2:

    Ok, maybe that won't happen to you. But I know a guy who had this happen and I (I mean he) passed out about 5 minutes later on the way out to the reception area. :sleep:
  3. 72 V Code

    72 V Code 71 72 GS GSX Fan


    Eric-I feel your pain.I had crown lengthening done last Wensday,tomorrow i go & get the stitches out.First couple of days after that were rough-Maybe not as bad as getting a wisdom tooth pulled though. :ball:
  4. Joe Kelsch

    Joe Kelsch Eat Mo' Rats

    When I had my wisdom teeth pulled the doc asked me if I wanted put out or novacaine (sp). He explained the options to me. "If I put you out you'll feel the pain as soon as you wake up, or if I numb you up you'll get to go through the hell of me ripping your teeth out. If I numb you up though I'll give you enough for at least 12 hours. So you'll be relatively free of pain through the worst part" I got numbed up and took Vicadin before it wore off. It still sucked, glad they're all out.
  5. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    I was to have all four pulled at once. Started at 3:00 pm and at 5:30 he sewed up my gums on the third tooth and said I cant get it. I will need to send you to an oral surgeon to do the others once your gums heal. It was fun watching the old guy pull, sweat and splatter himself with blood trying to remove them. The first 2 took 45 minutes each and he quit on the 3rd one 30 minutes into it. I left his office, picked up some snowmobile parts and then the pain killers. Went snowmobiling the next 2 days. Didnt eat but had a couple of beers a night just to enjoy the evening!!! :Brow:

    No dry socket and 1 month later the others came out while I was sleeping.

    Having done both I would be put out.

    PS save the extra pain killers like I did since you never know when they may come in handy.
  6. 3shields

    3shields Let's go, MOUNTAINEERS!!!

    It gets better.....

    I had an impacted wisdom tooth that I had to have removed, which did turn into a dry socket....WHAT A THRILL!!!!!

    The roots on my wisdom tooth spread out in a few different directions and he finally broke the tooth both directions and pulled it out in about 4 pieces. If I had it to do over again, I would have been knocked out for it. My root canal went fine though, and after the temporary crown came out, and the permenant went in (The impacted tooth from the wisdom tooth), everything else went great. Vicodin is a WONDERFULL THING!!!!!!

  7. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Still have my wisdom teeth, thanks to having 4 other teeth pulled when I was about 15. I've heard extremes as to how bad, or not so bad, wisdom teeth can be. Must vary a lot per patient. I was knocked out for my 4 other teeth, didn't really have any pain later either, but had to play a baseball game that night... after barfing most of the afternoon from the laughing gas. :Dou:
  8. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I managed to keep mine for a while - they came in nice and straight (I guess I have a big mouth).

    However, I developed cavities, and my dentist wouldn't fill them - so like an idiot I just let them go until they were so bad I had to have them pulled.

    The dentist (a different one) pumped me up on novocaine, and pulled all four. I didn't have much pain afterwards - just an annoying throb. So I didn't take the pain pills I was given.
  9. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I had all four pulled. Two at a time. I remember counting back from 100 when they put me out. I think I made it to 97. I woke up asking when they were going to start pulling them. I thought I was only out for a few seconds. I think whats worse is the "root planing" I get done periodically. Where they scrape under the gums. I have good teeth, but bad gums. The hygienist that does it could work for the government getting confessions out of people. I would have admitted to anything just to get her to stop. I keep thinking of the scene from "Marathon Man" every time she starts.
  10. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    How normal is it to keep your wisdom teeth? I've still got all four of mine.
  11. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    I'm 25 and have all of mine. They will have to come out some day no doubt. I'm not looking forward to that day.
  12. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    When I had mine done, they weren't needing to come out that minute. But one was starting to impact. I also had dental insurance and was just about to start college, where I wouldn't have the same coverage. So I decided to do it now, rather than later.
  13. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    If they are in relatively straight, your odds of keeping them are the same as your other teeth. Just take care of them.

    Sometimes they are pulled as a matter of habit - just because they are coming in. When mine were first coming in the dentist wanted to pull all four - only one was even breaking the gums. He showed me the x-ray, and they were all coming in fine. I refused to have them pulled.
  14. killrbuick66455

    killrbuick66455 Well-Known Member

    Well Im Feeling Better Today And Went Back To Work. Still Alittle Sore.. The Stiches Out Monday
  15. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    My cousin just had this done a little while ago and when she described it to me, ughhhhhhowwwchhewww.
  16. killrbuick66455

    killrbuick66455 Well-Known Member

    I Had An Ex-ray Done All The Other Wisdom Are Well Under The Gum And Not In Danger Of Food Rotting The Gum Or Another Wisdom Tooth So Im Glad For That....
  17. jcamp116

    jcamp116 Well-Known Member

    I LOVE reading post like this one.... being a Dentist and all, it' kinda funny the things that get said.

    Sorry to hear of your pain (killrbuick66455), I hope you feel better soon.
  18. killrbuick66455

    killrbuick66455 Well-Known Member

    Hey Jcamp116, Yes Im Feeling Better Thanks For Askin...the Only Thing I Didnt Like Is That, He Didnt Numb The Gum Enough For The First Needle So I Felt That One And Then The Next One...but That Was The Only Pain I Had Untill It Wore Off 2 Hours Later....
  19. 73 Centurion

    73 Centurion Well-Known Member

    I had 2 out on one side leaving the other side for eating. I was put out but the swelling after was something to see. About 2 days after the blood drained down my neck and made a bruise between the collarbones. Looked for all the world like he put his knee on my chest to get them out. He didn't do that but the bruise made it look that way.

    I'm over 40 and still haven't had a cavity yet. Marvels of modern dentistry.

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