I got Pink eye.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BamaWildcat, May 16, 2005.

  1. Got Pink eye over the weekend. Gross. Went to the eye doctor today and he gave me drops. $25 co-pay, $58 eye drops. Will be back to work Wednesday.
  2. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    I had it a few months ago....cost me a bit over $120 just for the drops....nevermind the 1 minute actual doctor visit....and the 1/12 hour wait..

    wonder what people did in the old days...?? besides death.. :Dou:
  3. Joe Kelsch

    Joe Kelsch Eat Mo' Rats

    I got a Red Eye :laugh:

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  4. SharpSabre455

    SharpSabre455 Sloan says "It's Rare!"

    Be careful


    Use caution! Don't rub your eyes, you can transfer the infection from one eye to the other RAPIDLY! Keep your hands washed after you touch your face and make sure your hands are just washed if you're going to be near children.

    Not trying to be a know-it-all, just don't know if anyone told you how easy it is to spread pink eye (conjunctivitis). I'm trying to be a good neighbor to you and those you love...

  5. Joe Kelsch

    Joe Kelsch Eat Mo' Rats

    Don't worry Paul, I understand how infectious pink eye is. Everyone in grade school had it but me. Maybe cause I was half blind (when I got it, it didn't know where to go :) ). Guess you didn't get the joke. :Do No: I was just trying to lighten things up. Anyway, in da 'Burgh some of us call Iron City Beer "Red Eye" especially in the Polish Hill section. But if you go north aways they call it "Vitamin I". Regional humor, I shouldn't of expected many to get it.
  6. David G

    David G de-modded....

    WOW, I can't believe how much you guys are paying for those drops! It's been 4-5 yrs since we last needed it for our daughter, but I know we didn't pay more than $15-$20 out of pocket.
  7. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    I touched my monitor right after I read this post :Dou: Am I going to catch it now? :eek2:
  8. I just did the math. They eye drops were $58 for 3 mL. My math comes up that this eye drop stuff is $71,915 A GALLON.

    Wow, this stuff is worth more than cocaine!
  9. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that. My little boy got it at school back in April. 3 days later, I got it. I used his drops. 2 days after stopping the drops, my boy got it again. I kept on taking the drops and started giving them to him again. We finally got over it only to have my wife get it. She took his drops also. 3 days later, I got it again!! I finally went to my eye doctor and got the strongest drops he would give me. We all took them this time at the same time. All we were doing was passing it around. If I had a dollar for every time I washed the bedding for that 10 days......... Good luck.

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