Hummer dwarfed?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by MeanBuicks, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. MeanBuicks

    MeanBuicks Scaring the neighbors.

  2. BirdDog

    BirdDog Well-Known Member

    Can't believe there is not a picture of that thing. This is the first I have ever heard of it. Will have to do a Yahoo search.
  3. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

  4. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

  5. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member


    I like how their slogan is "The brilliance of common sense" though. :Dou:
  6. tlivingd


    how would you like to see women picking up little Jimmy from his soccer game?


  7. BirdDog

    BirdDog Well-Known Member

    I have no doubt that there is a commercial market for that thing. But you can bet there will be dozens of "soccer moms/dads" driving these things that don't even own a trailer or anything else that would require such a beast. :Dou: :confused: :Do No: :puzzled:
  8. jimmy

    jimmy Low-Tech Dinosaur

    Looks a lot like the IHC 4300's that we have here for our utility trucks.

    The DT466 is by far my favorite engine in the weight class. It has been around for years and has almost no trouble. Lots of power. Put an Allison auto trans. behind it and it is nearly bullet proof. I wonder if they will put air brakes on it?

    Hop up the DT engine and 300+ HP and 750+torque will be no problem and you will be able to hold it there and not blow up or overheat.

    But what a price tag!

    I bought a 99 IHC 4700 with this engine and an auto trans that had been flooded back in the fall of 99 after hurricane Floyd. It had a 24' body and hydraulic brakes. I fixed it up and made good money on it. New this truck was about $42,000. So this truck seems a little overpriced.
  9. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    The brochure says it has air brakes.
  10. MeanBuicks

    MeanBuicks Scaring the neighbors.

  11. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Why not just buy a semi and get it over with. :Do No:
  12. Eric Schmelzer

    Eric Schmelzer Well-Known Member

    I'd rather have a GMC Topkick. Duramax, Allison, 4 wheel disc brakes with 4 piston calipers. A 4 door crew cab chassis truck is $31,000 base price. So that leaves $62,000 for a custom bed and more Buick goodies.

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