How to remove the lens over a 65 Wildcat tach?

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Phil Racicot, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    Last weekend, I bought a console from a 1965 Wildcat and I removed the tach from it.
    Now, I want to clean the back side of the tach lens and the black metal plate with "BUICK" written on it. To remove the lens was easy but I don't know how to remove the red needle and chrome knob from it.
    Any idea?
  2. buickbonehead

    buickbonehead WOT Baby!


    I came across the same problem on mine. I decided to have it professionally restored since the face was somewhat faded. I was curious to see how he would get around the needle problem. It appears the guy either drilled or dremeled it off from the back side and then epoxied it back on. It's back in the console but not back in the car. It looks to be a solid way to do it.

    If your going to the trouble to remove the knob, you might as well get a new lense cut, unless yours is in good shape.

  3. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    Thanks Rick
    That's probably what I'll do. The lens has a small cigarette burn on it that could probably be polished but maybe I'll just get a new lens.

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