How to Polish '71 Stainless Rocker Trim Moldings?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by drspencer, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. drspencer

    drspencer Well-Known Member

    Can anyone take a guess what a metal polishing shop might charge me to do both rocker trim pieces?

  2. drspencer

    drspencer Well-Known Member

    Took the drivers side rocker off to give it a polish.

    The rectangular, metal piece that holds the front of the rocker onto the car (starts at bottom of front fender, extends ~24") has seen better days.

    What is this piece called? Is it available in Repop?

    If none are available, any thoughts on how to make one, or get by without one?

  3. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    I've got several,..but you can very easily make one,..some flat stock 16ga or 18ga and put a light bend on it,..or just leave it flat and place a washer behind the piece the screw it on, but will make it more difficult to get latched over
  4. drspencer

    drspencer Well-Known Member

    Took my rockers to a metal polishing company. For $150, they came back with a perfect mirror-like finish.

    Following instructions on how to correctly apply the 'Tomato' colored tape (thanks once more, Jason), they now look absolutely flawless.

    I can't believe I waited this long for such an inexpensive, dramatic improvement.

    MRP likes this.

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