How to deep clean a dash pad?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by bignastyGS, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    I have a nice condition (no tears,damage or other bad things) Saddle dash pad that I would like to use in a later project car but,it just won't clean up real well. I have tried several types of cleaners but it seems like the dirt is embedded into the pad. It was in a car for many years that was in the back of the garage. There has to be a better cleaner that I haven't tried yet. Any suggestions? I'd hate to not be able to get it reasonable looking and unuseable.
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Simple green and hot water. If it's black, and it still doesn't look 100%, wipe it down with lacquer thinner and give it a coat of Sem landau black vinyl dye
    alvareracing and BYoung like this.
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I'm a fan of simple green. With a scrub brush, bristles on the finer side to get into the pits of the vinyl. Like said above, test a spot to make sure it doesn't pull any color out. It shouldn't, unless there was a crappy spray dye job on it.
    BYoung likes this.
  4. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    This one is Saddle...if it doesn't get better,I will get it sprayed with SEM...Going to try the simple green first.
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Probably worth more in black anyway
  6. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    I like the fast orange hand cleaner, which has a bit of grit to it. This seems to work well in cases where other cleaners fail. Spray 9 is good too, although I don't think it's nearly as strong as it was when I was kid...
  7. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    but black is not correct for this car. It's a 71 Bittersweet car with Saddle interior.Besides,I have a spare black pad... and a dark Blue one I'll never use..
  8. Quick Buick

    Quick Buick Arlington Wa

    My My My. you guys crack me up... Get out the most advertised crap on the $$$$$$ market.....
    I like to start with the simple stuff first..
    #1 Baking soda & Distilled water... If that is not cuttin it...
    #2 Food grade or cleaning grade vinegar & Distilled Water...need just a tad more...
    #3 Although this is my Go to........ Citric Acid Powder.... Mix it in Boiling Distilled water....
    BUICKRAT likes this.
  9. finitebidder

    finitebidder Well-Known Member

    Watch it Bob, Your telling your age !!!!! :rolleyes::):D;)

  10. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    A gallon of simple green is $12. And it lasts me like 2 years. I’m good:D
    Max Damage and tdacton like this.
  11. Dr. Roger

    Dr. Roger Stock enthusiast

    Yeah, I've been using simple green for decades and it is great stuff. I use it for engine detailing, degreasing, and just about everything. You can spray it on rubber hoses, tires, etc. and just rinse it off with no scrubbing. Don't know what's in it but it smells like sassafras.
  12. got_tork

    got_tork Well-Known Member

    I have always used Bleech White tire cleaner a small medium stiffness scrub brush works excellent.
    Then wipe it down with either lacquer thinner or enamel reducer after that for final clean and it helps open the pores up in the vinly.
  13. iowacat

    iowacat Well-Known Member

    When other cleaners haven’t worked I have used Sprayway’s “Crazy Clean” in the aerosol can.

    Had some sort of discoloration/dirt/grease/??? on the door panel/arm rest of a car I bought where the previous owner rested their arm.This stuff was recommended by an acquaintance who does upholstery and it really worked. Be sure to test in an inconspicuous area before spraying the whole dash pad.
  14. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    Have you tried a steamer? Not the firehouse sub and def not the other thing.
    Smartin likes this.
  15. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I love my steam cleaner. Good call.
  16. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    I need to buy one. Im sure alot of people love that non mentionable steamer but they weird.
  17. bigtorque2

    bigtorque2 Well-Known Member

    medium fingernail polish remover and respray
  18. SpecialWagon65

    SpecialWagon65 Ted Nagel

    I'll have to try Simple Green again. The one and only time I used it it took the black paint right off the headlight bezels of my dad's 87 T-Type. That was 1990 :)
    Buicksky likes this.
  19. Quick Buick

    Quick Buick Arlington Wa

    Simple green is great as long as who ever is using it is Down wind of me me... That stuff burns the air that you breathing.... I rather live next to a stock yard in the summer. Than be in SG stench zone...

    FWIW I was doing some venting work ( as in HVAC ). In about a dozen clean rooms for a local phone company.... They had a list of DO not use products list.... SG was on that list,,,, plus a few more...
    BUICKRAT likes this.
  20. 197064buickspec

    197064buickspec 1964 Special Post-455

    I use this. It also works miracles on white interior.

    Wear gloves though.

    Grease , dirt, whatever.

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