How many people here are in the Teamsters?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Carl Rychlik, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    Just wondering-how many people here are in the Teamsters? I am in the Teamsters and have been for the past 21 years. I'm in Local 145-Machinists Union.

    Long live the Teamsters! :TU:
  2. WUWU20

    WUWU20 Well-Known Member

    Not I. :TU:
  3. Jim B.

    Jim B. Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I'm not.I've heard too many stories about how the unions ruined Chicago big factories.
  4. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    I tell you guys-I've worked in shops without unions,and have had my b#$!'s broken for many years. But now,things are much better.

    You guys ever go to bed worrying about what's going to happen the next day?That's how things were for me.

    Take it from me-the country needs unions,otherwise exploitation from companies take place.
    Obviously you guys have never seen the injustices that companies impose on their employees;the bigger the company,the worse the situation gets.

    And another thing,the people that have a union have at least someone that can help them.If this country didn't have unions you all would not have the vacations,holidays,40 hour workweek,etc.,etc.

    Be thankful guys that there are unions.
  5. WUWU20

    WUWU20 Well-Known Member

    LoL...I live in WV....I've seen MORE than enough of the unions...theres good and bad, I work for very good people here where I'm at, if my boss sucked, I'd go find another job...I'm not going to work to pay dues among everything else, and then get a phone call saying I have to strike and make my family suffer for somebody I don't even know because they're not happy...... If I'm not happy or feel I'm being done wrong at work, I'll deal with it myself, I won't go any further on this because I don't want to upset anyone.....Union coal miners have hurt WV, the old timers here will tell you that back in the early day the union was needed and did great things, now its take advantage of anything and EVERYTHING!
  6. Jim B.

    Jim B. Well-Known Member

    The company I work for at one time employed over two thousand people at one plant .But in 1990 the union started to make too many demands over there jobs and wages so the plant broke uo into two plants and moved south. I hear it all the time oh you work for that company man at one time they employed everyone in this town then they had to close up too bad. I shouldnt say that all unions are bad but some give others a bad name. I use to vist the AMG Hummer plant on techanical calls over trouble on the paint lines and let me tell you those guys are lazy.I asked one worker if he could give me a hand and hold a flash light for me so I could look under a tank he said "No in my job discription" WTF is that suppose to mean.Then the SOB got his shop stewart and they filed a grevence over it.And I'm the bad guy cause I asked him to help.
  7. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    As far as unions go, I was always taught that if you don't have anything good to say about something, don't say it. :)
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I'm with you. Unions do alot of good. The only problem I have with them is that the employee that need a union the most is usually a screw up. Unions get a bad name because of that. Many benefits we take for granted today were hard fought for and won by labor unions. This is like the political threads though, lots of people have opinions both for and against. Hope this thread doesn't go downhill fast, LOL
  9. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member


    We had a poor union and kicked them out for a promise from the company (Coca-Cola) that they would make all things right. Well they did give us a raise then upped the price of our benifits and lower what they put torwards our 401K!!! So in short we are no better off. Also closed other plants to buy a huge one near BWI airport. The Teamsters local #570 is real close to coming in and it may happen because of Coca-Cola's handling things in the past. AL.
  10. john massoud

    john massoud 2nd Fastest REAL Stage 1


    Carl im also a Teamster LOCAL 59 Out of newbedford mass. ive been one for 21 years and im 39 so that means in 9 years i can retire with my 30 years in with a big lump sum and a big sorry to hear all the bad rap about the unions out there but go and piss off your boss in the morning and see where youll be working the next day.i guess people think UNIONS RUIN JOBS BUT LETS GET IT RITE, THE BAD WORKER DOES IT ON HIS OWN !!!! ILL TAKE MY UNION JOB ANYTIME.....(TORQUENSOVER)
  11. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Problem is with anything is life some people take advantage of the situation. Unions were created to get the working man a fair shake. But Greed and power can turn any good union into a national crime syndicate real easy.

    Its just the way it is.

    Like any system set up to help people. Some people really need it and some take advantage of it.
  12. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Anyone catch that the first Walmart just went Union??? Though no talks have happened yet.
  13. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    I've been a member of the Teamsters since 1971.
    I'm a Truck Driver and have had more non-union jobs than union ones. I always get a hithdrawal card when I switch to a non-union job.
    I havn't worked for a union since '83. I can take it or leave it [union].
    Although, if my last job was a union job, I wouldn't be on unemployment right now. :Smarty: :Dou: :Dou:
  14. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    I'm sorry if I have offended anyone here and my intention was not to make this a bad thread.

    I think the best way to make a living is if we were all independently wealthy! :laugh: Then we all wouldn't have to worry about union or non-union jobs.

    Take it easy guys.
  15. WUWU20

    WUWU20 Well-Known Member

    Amen....I don't think anyone has got'n upset, I think we've talked about it pretty clean, hell, we all own Buicks, thats all we need to worry about! :bglasses: :TU:
  16. redlion

    redlion New Member

    Union or not?

    I have been a Teamster for 22 years.... seen alot of ups and downs to both ends. Have been a Steward for 1 term, a thankless job!
    As said in an earlier post, depends on the company and how they treat there employee's, some would fire and rehire at will if there was no union contract binding.
    I have worked at other union jobs that have been sold out by the union, and lost a $56K yr. job, but got over it.....somewhat.
    My present job for the last 18 yrs. you are required to be a union member to work there, although I personnally have no fear that the company would take advantage of my position, there are others that would fall to the wayside if there was not a Union contract.
    MY dues paid each month is kind of like an insurance policy, if there comes a time, the coverage is there (hopfully)!
    Not all of our locations are union, and the one's that aren't, I would not work there, that is the differance I see :spank:
    Thanks for viewing my opinion :TU:
  17. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    My instincts tell me to run away from this thread, but somehow I can't help myself...

    I visit alot of mfg plants for my job. Mostly automotive related.
    Some are "big 3" (Ford, Mopar, GM) and others are "Japanese" (Honda ..etc)
    I see a HUGE fundamental difference between the way they do things, how the places are run, and how the workers work. Keep in mind that the majority of the "big 3" plants are union, and the Japanese plants are not union.

    I'm sorry to say, but almost 99% of the time the union plants are among the dirtiest, least efficient, poorly run, money wasting plants I ever see.
    The non-union plants are bright, clean, efficient, and quiet. And the employees are much more willing to "go the extra mile" to help you out.
    I've run into that "not in my job description" attitude many times in the union plants and it makes my sick.

    This is 2004. Not 1915. Workers don't need the kind of mafia-like protection that a union provides anymore. If you want job security, make yourself useful to your employee. If I said to you "Give me money every week and I'll protect you." Wouldn't you think that sounded mafia-like?

    If it was up to me, I'd break up every union in the states. I blame them for alot of whats wrong with this country. Wonder why we're shipping jobs oversees? Wonder why a Honda costs 50% of a GM? Maybe it's because some mafia protected loser is making $60,000 a year putting on lug nuts on Yukons 4 hours a day and reading the newspaper the rest of the day.

    Sorry to sound so harsh, but I have very strong feelings about this. I know "one rotten apple spoils the batch", and I have some great union friends and customers that I have alot of respect for. But there's too many people abusing the system in the union plants. They're ruining it for everyone else, and they're protected the whole time they're doing it.

    My favorite union bashing story, from right here in my little town....
    A trouble employee got caught with his personal truck inside the plant, washing and waxing it while he was supposed to be working. His supervisor said it was the last straw and fired him on the spot.
    The guy filed a grievence(sp?) with his union steward. He ended up getting his job back.
    Ya know why?
    This is great....
    Because his supervisor wasn't supposed to be at work at the time he busted him, so he had no right to fire him.
    Can you believe that? :rolleyes: :rant: :Dou: :mad:

    That particular plant (Chrysler) went backrupt 3 times over the last 10 years, screwing all kinds of local suppliers out of thousands of dollars every time.
    They finally closed for good about 3 years ago and the nasty dirty plant still sits empty today.
    Good riddence.
  18. armyguy298

    armyguy298 Well-Known Member

    Teamster Local Union 673. My first year and it seems to be okay with me, no complaints!
  19. Waterboxguy03

    Waterboxguy03 Well-Known Member

    Waterboxguy union

    Ummm I have a question......What the heck is a teamster.....Wasnt that what Jimmy Hoffa was? if so isnt he dead because of it?
  20. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Teamster= Union Member, yes Hoffa was a leader of the teamsters. I worked in a job with one, and they sucked. I blame that particular Union. I think like most people do, that, like all things its a case by case situation woth the views of the indivdual playing the largest role.

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