How Long Will It Take JW to Change the Salem Banner Ad?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GStage1, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    Just wondering how long it will take before JW changes the banner ad?:Brow: I told him about a week after the event to change the date but still showing 2004!

    Sheesh, you think a guy with nothing to do all day would change it?????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :TU:
  2. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    This is a trick question

    If you're asking how long it would actually take JW to change the banner to in sitting in front of the computer, figuring out HTML, creating the artwork, linking it to the traffic control screen that changes the banner....etc.etc.etc. Id say somewhere's in 2006

    If you're asking how long it would take JW to ask Bucy to take car of it, I'll say 15 min. :laugh: :moonu:
  3. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    I think you are making an assumption!

    You assume JW will remember anything he reads or has been told! He has "old-timers" (younger version of Alzheimer's). Hmmm, wonder how he gets anything done?????

    Aha, just thought of it! Mike Bucy does everything and JW walks around/answering the phones taking all da credit! Yea, yea, that's it!:laugh: :laugh: :TU: :TU:

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