How big of rims can I fit on my car?

Discussion in 'The Hides' started by comwiz00, Jul 2, 2002.

  1. comwiz00

    comwiz00 Deadly Skylark

    This is a question for those people that have customized one of these A-Body Buicks. My 1965 Skylark is in need of new rubbers and rims (or will be when the time comes). Since there are Cragger SS rims on there now and they look good (from a distance!) I would like to keep them that style. I will be going with low profile tires (as low as I can go) so it will lower the car a whole hell of a lot! I recently found out in Jegs that Cragger makes a 17x8 inch rim question to you guys is, How big of a rim do you think will fit on the back of my skylark? Would the 17x8s work? Im sticking with the 14x6 rims in the front just new ones, but low profile tires should make her look nice and lower the car to where I want it. I want something that will have a wide tire mark but it has to be able to fit in the wheel well! I dont know if the 17x8s would fit in there even with the low profile tires, I have a hard time fitting the 15s on there with normal tires right now. How Big can I go? If you dont think a 17 inch rim will fit?

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