hot coil?

Discussion in 'Small Block Tech' started by chiefaponte, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. chiefaponte

    chiefaponte Well-Known Member

    I just reinstalled my pertronix type 1(magnetic) ignition using a new wire that comes on with the ignition switch and for the past two days the car ran great well today I took it for a spin and right before I get home the car stopped on me and after a few minutes it started again and after one more shutdown I managed to get home. By the way the temp. outside today was over 90 degrees

    Coul;d it be possible that the coil got too hot?

    i admit the gage on the hot wire I am using is maybe a 14 gauge, could that be the problem or simply my coil is getting hot?

    Please help!!!:Brow:over 90 degrees
  2. Claus Moeller

    Claus Moeller White trash...

    I've tried the same thing with a pertronix HEI unit -first it worked fine but when it got hot (in traffic in the city) -the car just stopped!!!

    -I would recommend to switch to another system ... -Now I use MSD (HEI) coil-module ,-and everythings a-ok..

    Good luck!!
  3. chiefaponte

    chiefaponte Well-Known Member


    how about if I relocate my coil?
  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    I would put my multi meter to work while checking the integrity of the crimps on the terminals involved in the setup. (I am assuming that you used a coil that was within the pertronix spec for internal resistance. ) I suspect a wiring issue is your culprit and not the unit.
  5. IgnitionMan

    IgnitionMan Guest

    As far as I know, the PerSpit-Sputtter-Lost Fire type 1 needs a stock 1.80 ohm ballast resistor wire or 1.60 ohm NAPA ICR13 ballast resistor in place to operate correctly.

    They also like a stock GM points coil (no special, high-zoot, super duper, double whoopie performance coil, just a stocker), also resisted, as that is exactly what their super-over-hype advertized "Flamer-Backfire" coil is, made in Taiwan, stock specs.

    And, I can hardly believe it, yet another PerWhat, not again problem story, who'd have figured??
  6. sbbuick

    sbbuick My driving scares people!

    I wonder how Pertronix is staying in business??
    The reliability of their units is poor, to say the least! Run an HEI, man!

    My $.02
  7. ArcDevilz

    ArcDevilz Guest

    Im getting ready to drop my HEI built by none other than the IgnitionMan himself. Thanks Dave I'll let you know if I destroy anything in the proccess.:bglasses:

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  8. sbbuick

    sbbuick My driving scares people!

    That's a nice looking set up, Ivan!

    Kinda wish I had gone that route! It looks like a great set up for people who want to kep the stock looking points type dist..

    Good luck with it!

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