higher compression

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by 72CustumRivy, May 9, 2004.

  1. 72CustumRivy

    72CustumRivy Well-Known Member

    what is the highest compression after market pistons would be the best with the stock heads (for now) on a 72 buick riviera? or what would be the best heads to get to get the highest compression out of it?:Smarty:
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    I wonder if you intend to be able to use today's high test pump gas? If you do the answer will be different than if not.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2004
  3. 72CustumRivy

    72CustumRivy Well-Known Member

    im a bit of a science geek, and so is my best friend, not to brag, but we go by the science of the engines, so we r gonna use 93
  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    One of the engine builders can chime in but around 10 to 1 with steel and a little higher with aluminum heads . The is some variability in auto fuel octane so this is just an approximation. Hp gain is non-- linear with compression once you get to the 10 to 13 to 1 range.

    Cheaper performance gains might be obtained with exhaust improvements and perhaps recurving the distributor.
  5. 72CustumRivy

    72CustumRivy Well-Known Member

    im planning on gettin the heads baked, ported n polished or bored over, im planning on it but then again, i wanna buy heads off a '70 GS to put on there, if i get the 70 gs heads, wut would be the best compression any ideas?
  6. 87GN_70GS

    87GN_70GS Well-Known Member

    Depends on the intake valve closing event. A cam that closes the intake valve late (bleeding off static compression) will have a lower dynamic compression ratio, and can stand a higher static CR.
  7. 72CustumRivy

    72CustumRivy Well-Known Member

    well i am going to get the timing right once i get it done n check for valve overlaps i get wut ur saying thanks
  8. joejbal

    joejbal Well-Known Member

    dynamic compression is more important than static, i agree with scott.
  9. 72CustumRivy

    72CustumRivy Well-Known Member

    i know this is a dumb question but i just dont know it, what exactly is dynamic and static compression?
  10. BirdDog

    BirdDog Well-Known Member

    Static compression is, generally, the "perfect" compression--or the compression without the valves operating.

    Dynamic compression is what the engine actually sees while in operation. This greatly depends on camshaft geometry. This can actually change a little depending on engine R.P.M.

    Very simple explanation.

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