Help with some numbers

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by scrisp, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. scrisp

    scrisp WiP - Work in Progress

    Hi All,

    I have some numbers that I would like to see what the "birth" dates of these are.

    I think I have the proper numbers, if not, can you please let me know where I need to look for them?

    Just in case the numbers on the number son the pictures are hard to read, they are as follows:

    Carb - 7040246 LK (then there is 0150, kinda below and the right of those numbers)

    Intake - B 27 (then B-123178E)

    Distributor - This is kind hard to make out, but it looks like it's either 1111260 6H26 or it's HH260 6H26. It's hard to tell if the 1's are tied together to make them H's or not, on the first series of numbers.

    I'm trying to see if these are could possibly be the original components that came on the car or if they have been replaced later in it's life. I have the date the car was built at home, I think it was around Oct (?) 1969, but have to check to be sure.

    Attached Files:

  2. thepartsman

    thepartsman Back Ordered Again ?

    Carb 7040246 = 1970 Stage 1, 0150 = Jan.15,1970
    Dist. 1111260 = 1967 400-430, 6H26 = Aug.26,1966

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