Help! This engine harness bulkhead connector should pull straight off right?

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by Dale, May 7, 2005.

  1. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I removed the retaining bolt and have pulled, wiggled, cussed, made a sacrifice to the gods of electrons, but it doesn't want to budge.
    I don't want to force it too hard and break it.
    Am I missing something here?
    Even the service manual implies it should just pull off. :puzzled:

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  2. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    I believe there may be two screws from the inside that hold that on. They hold the inside one on and may connect the two to form the seal and firm conenction.
  3. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Hmmm, I'll have to look.
    It's always the things that seem simple that cause the most grief.
  4. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project

    Both parts should slide off after you remove the retaining bolt. One side then the other. You may have to take a small screw driver and drive it into the top and bottom at the splitting point to brake the seal on the sealer put on by the factory to keep out the mosture.

    Just drive the small flat blade in and wiggle while pulling in the wires then move to the other side.

    The fuse box is held to the fire wall by two screws from the inside, but all you will need to remove is the one screw on the motor side to get the wires off.
  5. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Thanks Michael!
    Prying on it with a screwdriver was going to be my next step, but wanted to make sure before going ahead. :beer
  6. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project


    Just use a small screw driver and take it easy. Don't go all midevel on it and brake something. :laugh:

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