Headed for the Beach!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 12lives, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Finally some sand time! Taking the family down to Ocean Isle NC near Myrtle Beach. Hope to squeeze in between Hurricanes! :puzzled: I may have a connection there, we'll see!

    - Bill:TU:
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest


    When you cross the bridge to Ocean isle look to your left and you will see a new place to eat next to the sound. If you go upstairs you will get a great view also.
  3. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go


    Thanks Jim!

    - Bill :TU:
  4. SmittyDawg

    SmittyDawg Need another garage....

    Just spent a week in Myrtle the week before the Buick Nats......our 8th annual vacation there......got REAL lucky with the weather.....that first tropical storm stayed about 100 miles off Myrtle Beach shores and hit NC pretty solidly.

    Have Fun!


    p.s. after the Nats, I think I could use ANOTHER week in MB!:eek2:
  5. projectman

    projectman Well-Known Member

    Around two weeks ago I went to the Outer Banks in NC just in time for hurricane Alex to swing through. We were way up north, past Duck, in Corrolla. But that day was the expected wind/rain/sky of doom and then at five pm it was *gone* like it never happened. There was a little flooding, I guess when you are at sea level there isn't any where for it to go. My heart goes out to those in the path of Charley last week.
    Here's a tip... bring a bunch of puzzles to put together for the rainy days at the beach. Even the little kids can help with that.
    Enjoy your vacation and wear sunblock.

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