Ham Radio Operators

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by SweBuick, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. SweBuick

    SweBuick Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am just curious if there are any amateur radio operators in the Buick comunity. I have had my license since 1980 with the call-sign SM5LTQ. Have not been very active lately since my time has been devoted to my Buicks & friends. Anyone out there?
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    I think Brad Conley who owns the GSx proto is a Ham.
  3. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    I know of one the Chicago Club guys who is intoHam Radio's, I was talking to him about this very subject this last sunday. He said he is set up for more local frequencies as the long range stuff gets expensive.

    I know that Joe Walsh (the Bomber) is a huge ham guy, I've seen picture's of his set up and it the equipment takes up like an entire room.

    On another note Hans, was that you bidding on a Buick jacket on ebay?
    My apologies if it was, we at V8 usually recuse ourselves from bidding against each other for ebay items. I snagged it for $23.50 & some other guy bid over you just before I got in there.

  4. SweBuick

    SweBuick Well-Known Member

    Hi Dana & Beth,

    Yes I was the one. The problem is that most of the stuff (most interesting stuff is sold in the US) ends in middle of the night. Its perfectly OK for you to bid over me. I usually try not to overbid people I know but sometimes it is hard to know who they are. Hope the jacket will fit. You got a great deal on it.
  5. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    If it doesnt fit, I'll make sure you get it then. :TU:

  6. 68 LeSabre 4dr

    68 LeSabre 4dr Well-Known Member

    10-4 rubber ducky !! :laugh: :TU:
  7. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Yep, I'm a amateur radio operator. Call is KG8S and I got the Extra Class ticket the old fashioned way...20 words per minute Morse Code. I really don't care for "the code" all that much, but it was a means to an end. For those non-hams, the Morse Code requirement is down to 5 words per minute...a speed anyone can do. Don't let Morse Code scare you from trying, it is not that hard!

    I really enjoy HF mobile. I have an ICOM 706 MKIIG in the car with the ICOM tuner and ICOM HF whip...talked many a time to Europe on 15 and 20 meters. I really think it is cool to talk around the world from your car with 100 watts. Of course, there is 2 meter and 70 cm equipment in the car too, for local nets and such. I am the Emergency Coordinator for ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) in my county as I strongly believe one should volunteer their time for something and I enjoy radio, so I do that. I also have an ICOM 756 base station with a Cushcraft A4 beam on 60' of Rohn 25 tower for 10-15-20 meter work. Still need to erect other antennas for other bands, but time seems to slip away. There is a 2 meter/70 cm ground plane at the top of the tower for local work, too.

    I know of at least 2 other Hams that are into Buicks. Roberta Vasilow (WB2JLM) and Sid Meyer (KB9MDY). Both are a credit to Buicks and Ham radio!


    de KG8S
  8. Rick1

    Rick1 Member

    Another Amateur Radio Operator here, have had my advanced class ticket since 1977 (W6ASQ). I have had been active in all phases of amateur radio from building stations, to clubs and emergency activities. I have went from a room full of equipment with multiple antennas to none several times which is where I am at right now. Sold my room full last year will probably get back into it soon.

  9. I'm a ham. Mainly stay over in 2m.
  10. SweBuick

    SweBuick Well-Known Member

    I think they just passed a new thing (at least en Europe) that we dont have to know the Morse code anymore. Do not know about the US though but it should be the same.
    I have an FT-290 on 2-meter and on shortwave I have an old antique, Heathkit SB-102 transceiver. It needs a tune-up and some new valves (sounds like my Buicks). Hopefully I will have it working right soon.
    Amazing that there are so many Buick-nuts that enjoy ham-radio too. :laugh:

    Would be nice with a contact on 10-15-20 m SSB. Got to get my rig working better first or I can borrow one from my brother.

  11. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    There is talk of removing the Morse requirement, but has not happened yet. Our Technician class license does not require any code knowledge, but you only have 6 meters and up as your operating frequencies. No HF without the 5 words per minute Morse code test.

    I learned Morse code with a program called Code Quick. You listen and can make up little sayings that follow the "."'s and "-" 's. Example: Letter A is " .-" in Morse code (dit dah). Code Quick teaches you "Say Ahhhh" for the letter A. "C" is " -.-." (dah dit, dah dit) or "catch it, catch it" and so on. The strong letter in the "saying" is the letter you are saying. Another example... letter M is "--" (dah dah) or "ma ma". I learned the alphabet, numbers and prosigns using that method and then just practice, practice, practice to increase the speed.

    Email me sometime and we'll set up a sked... kg8s@arrl.net .


    de KG8S
  12. Joe

    Joe Well-Known Member

    Hi Hans,
    If you are looking for a DX contact you can give me a shout. I am active on 15 and 20 CW mostly but also SSB on both bands. I have a Quad up 15 meters and usually do O.K. with the DX. Let me know if you would like to setup a schedule.
  13. quicksabre

    quicksabre Well-Known Member

    KB8CPQ here. Got my technician class ticket back when it took code to get it. All Drake equipment. Operate some on 440, 220, and 2m. I love listening in on 6m band openings.
  14. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

    Only on V8 would you find a thread for ham guys talking turkey!
    Sorry, couldn't help myself :grin:
  15. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Hans, I'm here, don't have antenna up here, it's ready to back up been down for quite awhile. Next week will have access to the homebrew BIG RIG, so email me if your available, would be fun to try.
    Check out my webpage for more history, my whole family is licensed and my folks met on 160 M in 1952! HERE
    There's also some Buicks pics, etc! Roberta
  16. SweBuick

    SweBuick Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the respons everybody. I guess I have to get my rig ready for some action. I get back as soon as I have it working the way I want to.

    Brad: We do have a technical license here too. They can operate on 144 MHz and higher. We dont have 220 MHz but we use 70cm band. We can get a special permit for 6m and some people do. I think it have to do with not interfering with other transmissions so it depends on your location.

    Cool site Roberta. Talk about radio family. I have a brother (SM5LCB, Ulf), a cousin (SM5BFY, Bjrn) and an uncle (SM5DLO, Yngve). You got plenty of heavy duty equipment. I had lots of similar stuff but most of it had to go when I had to move. You got some fast Buick rides too, I like it.

    I acually have access to a Drake TR-7 here at work. My boss is a ham (SM5CNF, Bengt) and he has some equipment here. But since he moved his office we have not put up the antennas again.

    I will plan for a major sked. Here is my personal e-mail just in case: hans.larson@swipnet.se


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