Guess what guys?My GS Stage 1 was a wedding car!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Carl Rychlik, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Hey Carl, my wife and I had my GSX Prototype and the Black GSX as our wedding party cars. It was really cool :bglasses: . Lots of looks as we drove by. :Brow:
  2. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    My daughter used the GSX for her best friends wedding last year. The cool part was is she drove the car. Some poor groomsman thought he was going to get to dive it ....NOT! I spent a lot of time showing her how to drive it.

    She is getting married this year and I will post the pics of the bride driving off in the X.
  3. armyguy298

    armyguy298 Well-Known Member

    Hey Alan, that limo pic is actually very cool!
  4. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Carl, very cool! My '68 GS 400 Convertible delivered Michelle, her dad and her brother to her and Wally's wedding last year, and included in the parade was Wally riding in his best friend/wanna be dad's '57 Chevy 2 door, Joe T's(The Old Guy) '40 Buick Super Convt, Cecil Chalmer's '70 Skylark Convt, GSX clone, Barb and Dale Birdsley '86 T-type Designer Series, Barb's Company car for the weekend a '04 Pontiac GTO, Rich Stuedemann's '67 Red GS400, 4-speed Convt, and then my '68 with the bride. It was so cool, as their colors were red and black. I'm looking for the pics, as I don't know where I stuck them on the 'puter. This wedding was in October outside in Michigan, we had sunshine, rain and hail but it was very fun and the bride was beautiful sitting on the back of the '68 when the sun was shining! Got to find that picture! RV
  5. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Here's a pic!

    We lined the cars up and took the wedding party around Wally's Mom's house to the wedding setup, It was way cool! R
  6. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    That is very cool,Roberta! All of you certainly won't forget the experience-especially the bride and groom!

    This definitely beats the typical limo hands down!!!:TU:

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