GS Air Cleaner FOAMS and Decals

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by pglade, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Who makes the best/most correct ones?

    Anyone bought them from Year One and if so how are they?

    Finally--Year One shows numerous "Keep Your GM Car All GM" air cleaner decals yet don't seem to list one specifically for 70 or 70-72 air cleaner housings....anyone know which one is correct? or at least close for a 70-2 455 GS

    Thanks, Patton
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest


    I have NOS and the Year One items are not close. They are more like a black porous sponge. In contrast real ones are more like an off yellow color with dense foam and a thick coating on the outside.

    I have not seen the ones Mark did but because of Duane's involvement you have to think they are the best repros.
  3. stage-x

    stage-x Then & Now Auto

    We have the correct concours air foams for 69-71 350 and 455. They are the only correct foams on the market except for NOS. Check our new website
  4. Duane

    Duane Member

    You asked " Who makes the best/most correct GS Air Cleaner FOAMS and Decals"

    Mark Reeves (StageX) has the most correct GS Air Cleaner FOAMS

    John Cortis (spelling) from the NE chapter has the most correct raised Air cleaner Decals.

    As far as the "Keep Your GM Car All GM", it all depends on the year/application you have. The assembly manuals will tell you what is correct.
  5. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Thanks very much for the quick response guys. PM'd you Mark. Patton
  6. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    Duane is right-

    John Csordas has the correct decals and to reach him,call the NE GS/GN club hotline at (845)-528-GSGN(4746).

    For the correct foams,Mark Reeves has the best.
  7. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    :TU: Excellent Carl..another primo GS owner just to rub it in further :laugh: I was hoping the concours authorities would all pipe in and I wasn't dissappointed.
  8. Racerx88

    Racerx88 Platinum Level Contributor


    Mark Cornea Repros has the usual smooth repros like what Year One sells when it comes to the big "GS 455" decal. However, he's also got some NOS "Stage 1" decals among others.

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