Grocery Store Closures

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by gstewart, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    Here in Ontario, Canada, all the grocery stores to give the workers a break. However this is also Good Friday & Easter Sunday. Stores could be open normally on these dates.
    The workers do deserve a break..
    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  2. Ramair455ho

    Ramair455ho Gold Level Contributor

    it seems here that some stores do not restock to keep people away so they can run on a smaller crew of workers and restock on certain days. I have confirmed this with a few places i frequent.
  3. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Most of the local (Naples, FL) grocery stores are operating on reduced hours and will be closed on Easter. You still can't get paper products, anything that resembles a sanitizer product, or dust masks. What I did find that was kinda wierd was that yesterday my bride had to shop three different grocery stores to find a particular kind of yeast that she needed for baking an Easter bread that she makes each year. People must be taking up breadmaking during this shelter-in-place time.

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