Govenor Mcgreevey nj...gone

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickx, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. buickx

    buickx Well-Known Member

    Governor Mcgreevey nj...gone

    Just came across tv... governor state new jersey "RESIGNS"
    THE CROOK FINALLY HAD THE HOUSE COME DOWN...tells the world he's gay.. like that has anything to do with his problems.. just had sexual harrasment filed against him in lawsuit...
    :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2004
  2. GSThunder

    GSThunder Dejavu

    I could care less if the jerk is gay, the fact is he was cheating on his wife and tried to give his boyfriend a six figure do nothing job with my tax money makes me want to :blast: :blast: :blast:

    My friend at work said it all when he said "How come NJ is always the joke of the nation?"...:Dou:
  3. Frank Turbo

    Frank Turbo Well-Known Member

    Too bad that scumbag resigning won't help us one little bit in what's left of our state, dame shame for us!!!!
  4. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    Borrows over 2 BILLION to balance the budget. Oh yea he's a real wiz. Just wait and see how the news media lays the praise all over him.:af:


    Not to mention he wont be helping pay the loan back either!!! He will most likely move to another state!!
  6. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Like the running joke on south park when peoplein hell get killed.

    "Where is he gonna go? New Jersey?"
  7. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    "How come NJ is always the joke of the nation?"

    Because he never lived in Louisiana
  8. Geeto 67

    Geeto 67 Well-Known Member

    Two words in that resepct, Edwin Edwards. Cheer up New Jersey at least you didn't have that crook.

    "In 2000, after Edwards had retired from a life of public service he and son Stephen Edwards were convicted of extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from riverboat casino license applicants. The four-term governor was convicted on 17 racketeering and fraud counts "

    "Within months of the racketeering conviction Edwards faced yet another trial by the U.S. Government's relentless pursuit of him. Former state insurance commissioner Jim Brown, Edwin Edwards and three others were accused of conspiring to help Dallas insurance businessman David Disiere avoid reimbursing the state for assets Disiere was suspected of taking from his failing insurer, Cascade Insurance Co. Jim Brown, despite his 56-count federal indictment in September, won a November run-off election for a third term in the commissioner's seat. " you guys do have the worst sterotype going.
  9. buickx

    buickx Well-Known Member

    Two words in that resepct, Edwin Edwards. Cheer up New Jersey at least you didn't have that crook.

    Were working on it.!!!! your going to see more stuff about mcgreeve come out.. federal attorney general's been looking at him and his friends... get ready for another big shot on nj politics being inditted.
  10. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Yep - you're right Owen!

    I feel really safe knowing a poet was leading the Anti-terrorism dept. in NJ (and making 6 figures) :blast:
  11. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    He was smart to get out now before all the rumors and scandal REALLY started. At least he had the sense to save his "family" the extended grief. (can't imagine how they feel by the way, knowing their father was living a lie all those years)

    Between him and "the torch", Jersey gets the reputation it deserves. Corrupt as hell.

    I know, I lived in Bergen County for 40 years. I wasn't always a Mainer. :Smarty:
  12. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    Marco and the fact that Golan Cipel is not even a citizen of the US but an Israeli citizen. But was put in charge of NJ home land security for $110K/yr with no experience. Trust me there is a lot more to come out about how Golan was blackmailing our Gov. and the Gov. was shelling out "our" money.

    Ken your so right about "The Torch" sad thing is the highly educated clods here in Joisey would re-elect him in a blink. He's still feeding from the taxpayers trough just behind the radar for now.

    Also it's been known the Gov. :moonu: likes men too since his first days in office. No big secret there.
  13. my3buicks

    my3buicks Guest


  14. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Not to get off topic, but nowadays, if a gay person is all pent up inside with emotion, there is really no excuse anymore to be "in the closet." It's very acceptible to be gay now as compared to 20 or 30 years ago.

    I have nothing against a gay politician, it's almost irrelevent. I do, however, have a big problem with politicians who are corrupt (rendundant) or have special deals going on the side at taxpayers expense.

    As stated earlier though, Jerseyans will never learn, they will re-elect the same schmos year after year after year. One sweep through West New York and Jersey City and you have 25% of the vote right there. Promise them the world and lead 'em to a dry watering hole. They never learn.

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